Things are looking up, only a dustting of snow last night not a blizzard!
Our last fire of 2021, would have wanted a real fire but it’s snowed under…. (Note: again a little post card-y-ish photo)

New Year’s Eve tradition – Chinese food. Normally Skip but that’s not available in Ladysmith so drive there. On the way into town we see several vehicles pulled over in the north bound lane… See a herd of —– not sure but a herd for sure, some standing, some laying down…
Will they still be there on the way back? Doubtful!
About 1h30m later we are on our way back home, what do our shining eyes behold?? A herd of reindeer!!! Now all laying down (think these were Santa’s back ups!)
I love living in my world (Allan is often heard saying “Your mind is a scary (by that he means interesting) place”) Turns out they are Elks.
Lesson of the day! The difference between elk and reindeer is that elk have larger antlers relative to their body size and shape, while reindeer’s antlers are always covered in velvet. Elk are mainly found in North America and eastern parts of Asia, while reindeers are mostly found in arctic and subarctic regions.
Thank you to all that read, comment and keep in touch!