Allan’s Birthday :) July 31, 2024

Bailey and coffee to start the day.  What’s broken now?  The coffee maker 🙁  It made a few cups then shut off, I turned it back on it made a bit more.  Had to turn on 4 times.  We need a few one, we’ll pick it up after breakfast cause there is a Walmart right there.

Allan’s choice for an eat out meal: breakfast at Pancake Café in Stoughton, IL a 12 minute drive.  Forgot food photos, oh well.   Think this is the first restaurant we’ve been in that has a swing.  Sign behind Allan reads “Welcome to the Good Life”

Our Swinger! 

We need a pot with a thermal carafe.  None at Walmart, next stops Aldi’s, Ace Hardware, Pick & Save, another store who’s name escapes me.  In this store, when we asked another customer said Macy in Madison.  We would have never thought of there.

A flower bed @ Pick & Save

Home to search online.  Shouldn’t be doing this on Allan’s birthday but what if the coffee pot totally craps out?   Search & search and finally find one on Amazon.  Hoping ours holds out till we pick up in Madison.  Scheduled delivery Friday.

We spent a quiet day just hanging out and playing, what? Of course Kings Cribbage until it’s fire time!

Hope everyone had a great “Allan’s Birthday” Day!!   

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