January 1-15, 2022

January’s weather is anything but stellar, so far.  Rain, snowstorms, tsunami warning, and very little sunshine.

Some of the highlights…

January 06th, wake to a crazy amount of snow for the Island  



Poor Bailey and Bob!     

And then there is this course! January 09 – A day of sunshine!   Off to Neck Point Park for a little dip and hike 🙂









Then off for our first hike with our Christmas present walking poles from Kyle & Megan

Beautiful scenery and glorious sunshine

Such hard hiking deserves our reward! Yum!Look close at the following 2 photos….   BUBBLES, big bubbles

Here on the hill, in the white hat is the Bubble Lady.  She’s hold a bubble making wandLook at these hardy souls, not even wearing scuba gear.  BRRR

Here’s Allan ready to soar with the bubbles…

A few more bubbles and a bird flying to check them out (click on photos to enlarge)Home to a fire to wrap up this, beautiful day

January 15th – D’rive back from our Kyle’s visit!  Rainy, foggy

First photo is from Kyle’s deck, fog galore, then rain, rain

Every visit I want to stop at the Malahat lookout but the weather never cooperates.  Today we stopped to these images         

Absolutely breathe taking…  what is that 2nd blue planet?

Home to a fire, the best way to end a day!

Today’s funny (or is it funny??)


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