We like Spokane but it appears we found the angry gremlins here.
A walk around the park, went well. Big Foot carving, super long bench outside the laundry room

My biggest “I’m not happy” Our awnings died, we called a mobile guy who’s coming tomorrow. Today, our clothes washer died, runs through the cycles just doesn’t send any water into it.
The mobile RV dude comes and can’t fix either issue, $75 please and thank you.
Here we are at the laundry mat… My first ever, yes I’m a little spoiled, when I got my first apartment my Mom bought me an apartment washer/dryer so I wouldn’t have to use the laundry mat..

A Costco trip, why oh why so early? It’s not even Witch Day

We ducked in Spokane, Duck 61

Haven’t won this in a long time
The best part! Although there is a fire ban fires in a chiminea are allowed

Hoping our next KOA park allows them as well