Bailey still broken, June 29

Today, Smithers to pick up the tail light bracket.   A stroll around Smithers will have to wait.  The record setting temps, (37°c/just under 100°f) will have us hiding in Bailey.

The search for a mobile repair company for the slide not coming in is going no where fast!  CoachNet, our service contract people, haven’t been about to find anyone.  We are searching, unsuccessfully, as well.  I am very stressed.  I posted to a FB RV group, hoping someone would have a recommendation.  None do but we do get some suggestions for the DIY repair.  There are 2 motors controlling the slide, which we knew.  We didn’t know they must be in sync or how to do that. One of the posters hilighted that and pointed us to a YouTube.  Lots more reading; owner’s manual, online, watching more YouTube.  With our new found knowledge, Allan is going to give it one more shot on the morning.

Spending all day indoors we are ready to be baked outside.  We can walk, using trails to Telkwa Pub.

Leaving the park’s grounds is a gate, fortunately they gave us a keyAllan was smart enough to bring his whistle, will we need it.

Found the Telkwa Pub, closed Monday & Tuesday. Love the skies       

Fingers crossed the slide closes.

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