The road in
This is where the world land speed was set on October 23, 1970… 630.389mph/1014.52km/h.
Click here to see other super fast times, schroll down on the page.

Salt flats as far as the eye can see

Bob says “Take me on the flats and I’ll offer you rewards!” Who can resist. We’re off!

“Reward ” time, though we really don’t deserve it yet today at barely 4k steps

Next stop, car wash to remove all the salt

Even though we stomped hard and did a twist trying to remove the salt we weren’t totally successful
Main St time, notice he not only carries a gun but smokes?

The walk down the main street shows us the largest liquor store we’ve seen. Stay tuned on what we return with Bob to buy!

Off to Peppermill Casino. Smoking is permitted, won’t be here long it’s a little smelly. Gambled 20 quit at $34.64 didn’t quite make up Allan’s losses.

What’s your talent!
This so badass! I honestly did not know salt flats were a thing. Very cool