Friday, January 10, 2020

We wake up to wicked wind.  Maybe the windiest we’ve ever experienced. We are anxious to go to Nuevo Progreso, Mexico.  We have inquired and are assured this is a safe crossing unlike the Reynosa which everyone says is very dangerous with the Cartel ruling.  In spite of the high winds we head out.  We’re such adventurous troopers!

Our @lyft driver is informative during the 32 minute drive and introduces us to a free watch TV  app Pluto.  He watches TV between rides with it. We ask about a ride back from the border, he assures there are many cars, both Lyft and @Uber in the area available.  

We are dropped off at the bridge.Proceed across it unaware there is pedestrian toll and an attendant anxious to take your money.We cross the bridge

We’re in!We didn’t have breakfast so first stop is lunch.  We walk along the main street and settle upon Red Snapper Restaurant.It’s happy hour!  2 for 1 Margaritas ya me!  Allan has the boring Dos Equis Amber and no happy hour. I had the best cheese stuffed, bacon wrapped shrimp ever.  Allan had the stuffed pepper came with the traditional beans and rice.  I made the better choice! I even convinced non fish eater Allan to try a wee bite, his comment “It’s not horrible” high praise from him when referring to fish.  

The facilities are as bad as the food is good.  The ladies has a door so warped it doesn’t close completely and never mind lock.  Allan wondered what the extremely low door knob was aboutWe stroll the streets and view the many vendors offerings.

And of course, the required flamingos!Who’s that handsome cowboy??

The only thing we bought was a little bottle of vanilla for .95.  We did compile a list of things to get on our next visit including getting a mani/pedi.  It’s approaching 3p, still very windy, we decide to head back to avoid the lineups to get back to the States. We cross over with almost no line up.

Back in Texas Allan opens his Lyft app, zero cars available – Uber, zero cars available. The wind is blowing us silly. The video doesn’t do justice. IMG_1420

What to do now? We are avid walkers, Progreso TX is about an hour walk which would be OK but it’s along a flat sandy highway.  You can’t see far it’s so sand blown, sand gets into our eyes.

We continue our road side deliberation, a Toyota Sequoia driven by a sole woman makes a U-turn and comes back to us.  “Need a ride?” she asks, Allan “You a Lyft or Uber? “No, but it’s good I’ll take you where you are going”.  We’re not sure, do we or don’t we get in.  Why would a lone woman pick up a road side couple? Allan decides.. “OK thank you”.  We engage her in conversation, turns out she just dropped her son at the border for orthodontic braces tightening work.  Her husband owns Apple Dental  They make it easy to get there. Even if you are timid in crossing the border they have you covered! We Are Located Behind the Mexican Exit to the United States. If safety is your concern, we are located next to Mexican Customs. While entering Nuevo Progreso at Mexican Customs, just turn to your left. We are located in the plaza behind customs next to HSBC Bank.” 

Miriam was our guardian angel!  She delivered us back to the resort and didn’t want to accept payment.  We insisted, she finally accepted when I said to buy her kids something.  Such a sweetheart!!  

Me showing off the sun I got today despite of the awful wind, maybe because of  With this corny joke I bid you good night!



Thursday, January 09, 2020

We took yesterday to familiarize ourselves with our new 30 day home.  Head to the gym this morning.  We’re impressed with how much there is to do here, woodworking, stained glass, euchre,  shuffleboard, pickle ball, golf, clown classes even and so much more! This is just the exercise schedule.  I’m miffed I forgot my gym clothes but will make due with what I did bring. 

We explore outside our gates.   Most parking lots have this type of security camerasI’m pretty happy, not only is there a grocery store, H.E.B with an interesting history within walking distance but there is also a yes wait for it!!  Dollar Tree!! where everything is still My FaceBook feed includes Tropic Star is on an old orchard so there is an abundance of orange and tangerine trees and although I do not have a mason jar on board I am happy to go to the aforementioned Dollar Tree to purchase one.  Stay tuned for the “how does it work report”

Dinner then off to the hot tub.  Have to get a photo of it. Hoping to get to Mexico tomorrow. 

Monday, January 06, 2020

Travel day! Bye bye Cajun Palms and the cold hot tub.  Didn’t get to hot tub last night, unlike what I predicted, it was too cold.

Today’s destination – Camp Walmart in Victoria, TX 

We know we are on the correct route when the highway narrows and there is no shoulder

Hum, Best Hookers in town

The photos do not depict the height of this bridge.

We cross into Texas at 1140a.  We rarely get the Welcome to sign.  Got it now! Picture 2 & 3 are behind the welcome info centre.

Houston off in the distance.  Sure hope we don’t make a wrong turn and end up downtown.We avert downtown, ya! Head  towards Victoria. Traffic has been real good but what’s a trip without,cars cars cars!We make it to Walmart get our supplies.  What a deal on eggsThis is what we learned at Walmart today  Back to Bailey to unload. We are pretty excited to call our kids.  They live in Victoria, BC   We are anxious to say “We’re at the Walmart in Victoria, do you want to join us?”  We don’t fool Kyle but we got Megan (a bit)!

Chinese for dinner then off to bed…


Thursday Jan 2nd & on wards…

Thursday all day:  Rain, rain, rain.  There is no drainage, big puddles are everywhere.  Still no hot tub 🙁   We amuse ourselves with games of crib and even workout in the gym!

  Rain but then… what’s that about 1pm? A few more showers then about 4 it starts to dry up.

We check out the hot tub, YES the heater is on.  We resort to self-help and up the hot tub temperature.  We are hot tubing tonight!!

Saturday & Sunday!! What a difference a day makes!  The sun is out and although windy we much prefer this weather.  Yes we get to hot tub.  We leave tomorrow morning.

Resort photos.  First on is the famous hot tub!

And the work out kids!

New Year’s Eve Day & Night

We’re intent on a quiet day including a hot tub session or 2, see a trend?  Still cold!  BurrrrrWe’ve complained so often likely no point in continuing.  But wait what happens at noon???Now we really feel old but what the heck! Off we goIt has been so long since we’ve played we were impressed with the new fangled cards This is mine for the washout round.  Didn’t win this either.

Cajun Palms is having a gala tonight- you have to buy a table we think we are more

For those of you hosting remember

We did but our gorgeous kids didn’t We have no idea what this is yet or the magnitude that will come  – today, China alerted WHO to several cases of unusual pneumonia in Wuhan, a port city of 11 million people in the central Hubei province. The virus was unknown and becomes knows as Coronavirus COVID 19.

Monday December 30, 2019

Travel day, New Orleans to Henderson, Cajun Palms RV Resort

Under the overpass as we are reveals NOLA‘s tent cityCemeteries are big here, we see this one leaving



Some more sights..

This was one of our shortest trips from one place to the next, 2 hour ish and it is the largest park we’ve been in with 450 spots.

Cajun Palms appears to be emulating Caribbean resorts.  We get a wrist bracelet we can use to charge food, drinks, etc.  There are several really nice pools – not open now but still nice.  A HOT TUB that we ensure is open prior to booking here.  A hot tub is on my must have list. Taking  photos not so much so on hot tub photo yet.





What! The hot tub is not working!! Many trips to the front office and yet it is still not working.  We are pissed, this  is not a stress free zone  

Complain a little more and we’ll see how warm it is tomorrow.  Night all!

Our 25th Anniversary 12/29

We would have never thought 25 years later we would be living our dream mostly because we didn’t know this would be our dream 🙂  Looking back it’s astounding how things change.  I shall spare you and move on… Spent the day wandering around, these make us feel safe

 Some of the sites, I love NOLA!

Every province/state has some strange laws.  Louisiana’s, IMO, is if there are 2 or more people buying a bottle of hooch everyone must present ID and be over 21.  If you are flying solo, then only you must be over 21.  Logic??? I don’t know.

We search for a great 25th dinner restaurant and settle on Italian Barrel It does not disappoint.  My dinner, Pesto Scampi (love the lemon condom), Allan’s Chicken Parm

​Mossy on back and encounter another street musician.  These kids are talented, STOMP originals..

We see this catastrophe on all our outings, this time we walk closer to it, what happened here?  Hard Rock New Orleans, sad story!

We head back to the RV park.  Last night here, Bailey is sleeping

Travel day tomorrow.

Santa’s Big Day! Turns out it was ours too!

We leave today for #nola.  This was a day trip on the only cruise we ever took, we loved it and have wanted to return.  Allan is anxious to have a hurricane  We plan to leave about 10, drive today about 3h.

Against my better judgement, we go back tot he casino and our favourite machines.  I’m convinced today is a refund our $20/ea and head out.

There is a guy using Allan’s machine so we do a lap of the casino.  Come back he’s gone.  Plunk ourselves down. I’m down to $10 and win $40; 751aI don’t have the opportunity to savor my win when Allan’s machine goes nuts!

Just keeps going! Woohoo!!

Jack pot!!  The attendants rush over!  We are in heaven.  Win $1,267!  Do we want them to withhold the required taxes?  No thank you!  It’s not long until they are back.  YES they are withholding as we are Canadians.  30% or $380. bitch is – if the jack pot was $1,200 or under no taxes are withheld.  We can claim back.  Happy Santa aka Allan!!Spin again as we await the long process of collecting and bam, another $100Full look at the winning machine!!!This was a pretty, amazing Christmas morning.

Sad to say good bye to Wind Creek Casino.

On the road at 1030a.  Later than we wanted to so much richer!!

We leave using Knight St:)

Photos do not give the scenery justice.

We arrive at French Quarter RV Resort about 3p and get set up.We tour around a bit…

Little police car to keep us safe!

Walking the streets, drinking the drinks!

A hanging around local!More sights

Wish you all the best Christmas!