Feb 19th – Allan made us a delicious dinner! Fries covered in ground beef and other amazing stuff.
Hum, Allan was so upset I didn’t think to take a photo of the rest of the fry package that hit the floor. Kinda of looked like thisFeb 20th – Not all my adventures are adventurous! This was a dud, and we drove 1/2h to get here. Boo me!!
What day is it?? My Birthday Feb 21st 🙂 Shrimp dinner, how can it get better??
Feb 22nd – Post breakfast dinner at the Black Bear Diner Where you get your birthday breakfast free!Feb 23rd = How can it be this windy? Valley Fever is a thing that I ended up with. So many nights of waking up coughing, coughing, coughing. Should have gone to a walk in, if I knew how long it would last I would have. I contracted this January 24 after visiting the sand dunes on January 22nd. Where the heck is the sky/sun??
Our treat or is it?
Moon and the star 🙂Feb 24th – Pedi day!