Mid Continental, August 24, 2024

Today’s outing Mid Continental Railway  for a train ride..

First stop, pick up our tickets, then walk around the corner to the gift shop where Allan buys a cool mug

 Second stop, the museum

Wooden snow plow that can plow snow drifts up the 16 feet. The plow was last used in 1959

The engine… Third stop, the train.  Allan is standing by the caboose, we’ll be riding on the top floor

 Sheldon, the brake guy.  He’s going to give us interesting info on our trip

They didn’t tell us how high up these seat are, we made it.  All set to goSights along the way

Looking back out of the caboose 

End of the line, the turn around point

After a brief stop looking at the engine and stuff it’s time to hook the engine to the caboose.

Having a chat 

Our ride back with the engine attached to the caboose


Sorry, tried but couldn’t resist

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