09/07 – Allan, ever diligent, spent time securing our vaccine cards. He’s excited to go to a pub on the 13th, the first day they are mandatory.
We reduced the size of the vaccine card to the same size of a credit card, printed them, and laminated, double-sided. One side my card, the other Allan’s, we’re armed and ready!
09/08 – This photo accurately depicts today!

09/09 – Vernon day
First stop: Vernon’s Farmers Market Picked up a huge head of green lettuce, tomatoes and corn.
Leaving, we notice a tent city. Turns out, this is where the firefighters they brought in from Mexico & Quebec to help fight the wildfires stayed. I think they deserved better accommendations.

Stop 2: Armstrong, BC – The Village Cheese Our haul …

Stop 3: Lunch break – We find ourselves at The Kal Lucked out as it is .47 cent day and they have 99 flavours to choose from Our view from out seat, We were entertained by the parrellel parking of the many vehicles coming and going.

Super bonus! They have Rickards Red on tap!! Oh, that smile!!

A Vernon visit would not be complete without going to Scattered Goods. I should have taken a photo of the loot we left with.

Back home we have a chat with the ducks and glare at the leaves that have fallen, too soon!

Evening entertainment! Finish binge watching

Canβt wait till Season 4
09/11 – Today is a solemn day being the 20th anniversary of 911. A day that changed air travel and many lives forever. We all remember where we were when we heard the unbelievable news.

It surprised me to learn taking your shoes off resulted from an incident in December 2001, not September. A terrorist attempted to detonate an explosive device in his shoe while onboard a flight from Europe to the United States.
Liquids, gels and aerosols: Not until summer 2006; a plot to detonate larger quantities of liquid explosives onboard an aircraft was identified and thwarted just a few weeks before the plot was executed. The liquids restriction was put into place at that time and remains in place today.
Procedures for screening electronics larger than a cell phone have been in place since the fall of 2017. Terrorists have the technical capability to artfully conceal explosive devices inside electronics.
Enough sadness, our big adventure is a trail walk to Ribbleworth Falls. We’ve been here before but this time we walk from Bailey, one way: 1-1/4h.
We pass this, sounds old for a donkey google doesn’t agree “Donkeys live between 30 and 50 years, and are intelligent animals that make good pets and work animals.” Learned something new today!

This walk certainly deserves a reward!! My reward is normally Baileys, Allan’s Fireball. Whoops, we’re out of Baileys, Allan shared his Fireball π

Kyle sent this find, bet Allan’s wishing he has it now.
09/13: Today is the first day, in BC, you are required to show a Vaccine Card. We’ve been ready since the 7th, thanks Allan π
We walk to Turtle Bay Pub which is connected to our park, we’re pleased to encounter this sign

Do they scan the “unique to me” QR code???? No, they just verify the name on my VC matches the name on my government issued ID, aka my driver’s licence.
It is a beautiful day for a patio! The duck agrees, says TB has good food
Pesky little fly solution! Can’t believe it took me this long to figure it out!!

I don’t have the exact date but this done up, Class B with California plates, obviously, big fans of the Michigan Wolverines football team has been here since at least Sep 10th, likely longer. They are not friendly, when we encounter them, they turn away so we haven’t had a chat. SO!, why am I concered about them eating.
The fridge in this type of unit normally is a bar fridge. Are they eating military rations? I’d like to offer to bring in supplies but they are so stand offish! They could, disconnect from the utilities and drive into town but they haven’t.

09/14 – Today’s mini outing, down the street to another part of Wood Lake. Not really worthy of a reward but, what the hell! Yep Baileys is back in stock!

09/16 – Another dreary day. Not a fan, the ducks look happy

09/16 – We’re not feeling like doing, much of anything. We get our 10k steps today by walking the park a few times and a walk back to the other end of Wood Lake beach.
Today’s reward… Such delicious stuff made in a distrillery in Vernon

09/18: Relieved! This is the California couple’s site. They unhooked & likely went to town for groceries! At least this is what I choose to believe.
09/19: Day started off beautifully!

2nd to last race of the season today. Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey in California.
It was an exciting race but sadly the winner was Allan’s guy, Colton Herta. Allan gets to move his car ahead.
Day ended in huge downpours!. Rain, rain, rain. The rain changed our dinner plans from quing outdoors to throwing together frozen leftovers. A delicious, never to be had again, meal!
Tomorrow! Election Day!!! and hopefully an announcement about the US border opening to Canadians.
You passport is nice and small. In Ontario we have to print off 2 8 x 11 sheets (1 for 1st vaccine and another for the 2nd) per person, Just what we all need – more paper to carry. Can’t figure out how to download to our phones.
Cheers, Les
First time we printed, ours printed out as 8.5 x 11 as well. We then shrunk it down to credit card size and reprinted & laminated. Perhaps, when the QR code comes to Ontario you will be able to do the same?