Nashville SuperSpeedway, September 12, 2024

The last race of the season!

2 drivers can win the championship (not mine as I crashed the last 2 races so Allan gets the 2024 win boo, forgot I’m a good sport ya Allan (inside voice is saying poop, poop, poop)

We get an escort to our site     

  Corner 1, site 6 is us

Here we are

   Just a dude checking out the track

Pointing out where Bailey is on the track 

Pano of the track

So excited to be here BUT I crashed out the last 2 races; Allan has the win so anticlimactic.

Issue:  The weather.  It’s been beautiful 90 degrees, full on sun, until today.  Cloudy & rain. The forecast for the race weekend, not goodThis is an oval meaning the cars do not run on wet tracks.  There are 2 drivers Alex Palou and Will Power who can win the championship.  If they can’t run Alex wins it.

I don’t like either driver but I do love racing.  I’d be so sad if the race can’t run because of weather 

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