Next Stop: Iowa Speedway, July 11, 2024

Along the route there is a flood advisory in effect, hope we luck out.

Driving into clouds   

Back through Peoria we go!

We get the warning                       Fortunately all is good, no flood

1121a We cross into Iowa and EDT, now it’s CDT

Up & down the hills we go, we just passed a semi, still in the passing lane when we approach a hill and the semi passes us.  Allan says, that’s unusual.  The engine light has been continually on.

Not my photos as we came across it too quickly but it looked so interesting.  It’s the World’s Largest Truck Stop!  It’s about 2h from here; not sure where we’re going next but it would be fun to visit.

There is a Love’s right by the track; we stop to fill up.

Allan starts up; now the error is “Stop Engine”  Yep, stuff can always get worse!  We are a 3 minute drive to the track. Why us?

We pull into a spot; will have to unhook Bob cause we can’t back up.

Bob’s temp when we unlooked   

Our newest error codes!  One thing to retrieve another to understand, which we don’t.  This Love’s has a repair garage, Allan goes and chats with them.  The mechanic says he likely won’t be able to repair but does hook up with computer.  Nope he can’t help but did give us a print out of the errors.  When Allan restarted the “Stop Engine” light was off.  Allan makes the scary decision to do the 3 minute drive to the track.

Here we are!!   “The Fastest Short Track on the Planet”

Wish us luck!!

4 thoughts on “Next Stop: Iowa Speedway, July 11, 2024”

  1. Hmm me thinks that one day we should get together and write a movie script! Glad it got sorted out in the end.

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