Today is, World Smile Day, Smile more than normal!

Did not know this: As is well known by now throughout the world Harvey Ball, a commercial artist from Worcester, Massachusetts created the smiley face in 1963. That image went on to become the most recognizable symbol of good will and good cheer on the planet.
Springs RV is 20m from Camperland, a little challenging as check out is 11 and check in is 1. Allan called and sweet talked us into an early arrival.

The sites here are privately owned. We have the biggest in the park but for the nightly rate we were expecting a nicer site. No camp fires here which we knew but we’d never buy into a place that doesn’t allow fires. I know you’re all surprised to learn this.
All settled in walk to town in search of the hot springs.

My Sasquatch is way cuter!!

Hum, still searching for the hot springs. See a sign “hot springs source”, head there to find only the source

Where the heck are the hot springs?? We go back and through the village and come across the Vistor’s Info Centre. In we go, “Where are the hot springs” we ask.
In a nut shell, there are no hot springs available if you are not staying at HHSR. The “source” pumps the hot springs to the Harrison Hot Springs Resort. You must be a guest to go. They will hold the rights till 2039. They also own the public mineral pool in the centre of the village which we learn was opened 2-1/2 weeks ago after being closed for 2 years. The info lady is not impressed and has suggested to the Mayor the name should be changed to “Harrison NO Hot Springs”

We’re as disappointed as this guy
We were intrigued by the Sasquatch legend…. The Sts’ailes believe that that the Sasquatch is not an animal, not a figment of the imagination, but rather a supernatural entity that can vanish into the spirit realm at will; this may explain why the elusive being is so difficult to track down. To read more click here
Neither of us knew that hot spring fact…. Kinda pisses me off lol :p
Yep, the Visitor Info lady has heard the same question many times. She’s not impressed.
Did think the Sasquatch lengend was interesting. We are now on sasquatch watch mode! 🙂