June 30th, will the slide go in???

After a coffee, Allan fires Bailey to give the slide yet another go.   I’m holding my breath.

Reset, sync, in!  The sync YouTube was suggested on yesterday’s FB post.

The slide moves, a bit in, a bit out (the re-sync process).  Allan,   working the control, in & out a few more times and then…

No more hooters, the slide is in!!  Ever since we booked Prince Rupert I had a feeling we would not make it there.  The slide almost made that happen.  Our living space has shrunk, our sense of relief has grown 🙂

Now it’s Bob turn


Tail light is back to normal.  Allan ROCKS!

The jobs never end.  Refill the ammonia containers, happy to say/hate to jinx, we have not seen any more poop.

Now the question?? Do we attempt to exend the slide, or live in, our more cozy  quarters till we arrive in a town with mobile service.   I vote for cozy.  Allan is on the fence.  We decide we’ll call the slide manufacturer and get their opinion.  The error code was 5 red flashes, one green indicating a “Major” error.  They suggest, “leave it in until you have it serviced”.  Our guess, it will work as it should when it is in for service.

The water in this park has an after taste, heading to town to buy bottled.  Rain is much needed after the abnormally high temperatures. 

Look!  We now have a room divider

Best time of the day…Fire time                           

The neighbour pops over to say “Getting in your last fire!”   Us “Last fire, no many more to come”.   “Not with the fire ban” he says.  Wait what?

Google.  True enough the ban went into effect today at noon, till October 15th.  Draw back from listening to Sirius is you don’t get local news.

Must admit we burned more wood than normal.




Bailey still broken, June 29

Today, Smithers to pick up the tail light bracket.   A stroll around Smithers will have to wait.  The record setting temps, (37°c/just under 100°f) will have us hiding in Bailey.

The search for a mobile repair company for the slide not coming in is going no where fast!  CoachNet, our service contract people, haven’t been about to find anyone.  We are searching, unsuccessfully, as well.  I am very stressed.  I posted to a FB RV group, hoping someone would have a recommendation.  None do but we do get some suggestions for the DIY repair.  There are 2 motors controlling the slide, which we knew.  We didn’t know they must be in sync or how to do that. One of the posters hilighted that and pointed us to a YouTube.  Lots more reading; owner’s manual, online, watching more YouTube.  With our new found knowledge, Allan is going to give it one more shot on the morning.

Spending all day indoors we are ready to be baked outside.  We can walk, using trails to Telkwa Pub.

Leaving the park’s grounds is a gate, fortunately they gave us a keyAllan was smart enough to bring his whistle, will we need it.

Found the Telkwa Pub, closed Monday & Tuesday. Love the skies       

Fingers crossed the slide closes.

Travel Day to Telkwa June 28, 2021

We’re up early.  Today’s trip is about 4h15m.  We have 2 stops to make, Kal Tire to get Bailey’s wheel torqued and Flying J for fuel.  This is Bob’s new look                                                                                                                             We leave MamaYeh at 820a, 71,402k and pull into Kal Tire at 840a.  This may have been a mistake as all the bays are filled.   Allan goes to chat, pull up to 2, the tech will torgue then move the tractor.  Entire thing took 5m

Fuel next,  which station would you choice?  We’re at the 3rd

On the road at 910   

Road side white line painting 

              Telkwa is this side of Smithers, scenery is getting nicer again   

First sign I’ve seen denoting the different fuel cost  Back to having to drive with care                     Hey, it’s hay

Almost there                                                  Snow still on these mountains       

The long, straight road ahead is a nice break from all the twisty turny roads we’ve become accustomed to

We arrive at Fort Telkwa Riverside RV Park at 2   “The name Telkwa is possibly a native term for “meeting of the waters” which appropriately describes the confluence of the Bulkley and Telkwa Rivers in town.” They offer a pressure washer to remove all those nasty windshield bugs.

All outdoor set up done, Allan opens the slides.  Bedroom – check, big slide – check, kitchen X  It goes out but not all the way, when Allan pushed the out button it started to come in.  Oh boy!!  Controller then just gave up.

Your supposed to see all the “hooters”Fortunately, we do have a service contract that hopefully covers this (it hasn’t covered any of our other “oh shits”)  Coach Net will be on it tomorrow. 

 Site 15 overlooking the river                

We’re not doing much exploring because of the temp. 4:52 and it’s still 36 feeling like 39.  Glad we have leftover Chinese for  dinner.

Did go for a, super short walk down to the river








June 25, 26, 27, 2021 Bob’s injured

Rather slow day when the hightlight is our  “refresh ammonia” event. 

Bet you now want to make your shoes come to life.

Unintentional  photo   

06/26 – First up

We are leaving this park on Monday.  Today is errand day, and the beginning of a 5 day heat wave, going up to 38 today.  We’re told it never gets this hot here.

Last item on the list is give Bob a bath.   Allan bought a car wash card in Ontario, it has some washes left.  So far, the only PetroCan we’ve encountered with a car wash, is Prince George.  What don’t they have??

The car wash was funky, you had to enter the door closes when you insert your card.  They are unually outside so you have an escape if something goes wrong.

It’s not accepting the card, Allan taps, swipes, it’s finally accepted.

This is the noisiest, jerkyist, wash ever.  We stall, then a LOUD bang!  Start again, drive home.   Advise!  If you hear something strange, STOP & LOOK.  We didn’t.

The bang was, the car wash ripping out the passenger tail light, ggrrrrr  It was dangling while we were driving.  Very lucky we didn’t lose it.  If it dropped, hit a vechicle would/could have been disastrous.  I put the light on the tail gate, fortunately it still works.

      Allan figuring it out

Allan calls the local Jeep dealer.  They don’t have the part in stock, will take 45 days to arrive.  We don’t have 45 days.  Calls to Napa & Lordco, no help.  Small town, the local dealer calls back to say he mis-entered the part number.  We can have the part on Tuesday.  Better but we leave here on Monday.  Allan calls the Smithers dealer (close to where we are heading to on Monday), he can have it on Tuesday!!  Part ordered.  Feeling some relief.

June 27 – Today’s stuff:  Clean Davy, (we’re still in the throws of a heat wave, I feel bad for Allan cleaning outdoors) pack up items for travel, Home Depot return, Canadian Tire, pick up Chinese food for dinner.

Now to secure the tail light till we can get, more research, tells us we want automotive masking tape.  We have clear white packing tape, we’ll use it till we get the proper tape, in aisle 8.                                                                                                                      I’m not a CT fan but do like they list the product aisle number.

Fuel cost, boo.  Allan filled Bob at Costco for 1.29.9/l, ya    Picking up dinner

And the heat goes on…  37c

                                                                  Our fun and tasty dinner wine

So ends our 2 weeks in Prince George, we will stop here again on our way south.

June 24, 2021 – Another Provincial park

Connaught Hill Park:  Is located on the top of a panoramic hill in the downtown core. The park features 360-degree views of the city and the Fraser River.  YES, even though it’s in the downtown core we DID bring our whistles.

We had to check out this contraption

It turned out to be a very small park.  We didn’t feel we deserved a reward, it’s ready for the next adventure. 

June 22, 2021 Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park

Today we explore Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park.  The photos online show an open space, in town with a trail system.

Allan “Should bring our bear whistles?”
“Not required, it’s downtown” I reply.

We arrive, strange for a park this size to not have a parking lot.  We park at the side of the road and venture out, first thing we see

Our GPS brought us to the back end of the park.  We figured it out when we braved the entrance and followed the “bear likely waiting for us” trail.We made it!

Lunch today is at Trench Brewing to sample their Viking Amber before a growler fill.  Will the growler be Old Westie or Viking Amber?  They have an appy that sounds interesting.     It was delicious!


GPS tells us it is a 30m walk from where we are.  Off we go hoping these directions are accurate.   They are! I feel like this is sending mixed messages.

Across the street is a very active, metal junk yard.

The amber winner is….  Old Westie



June 21, 2021

Today’s adventure, head to town to get more ammonia containers and ammonia.  The existing traps worked perfectly for 5 days.  Day 6 – more mouse evidence.  London Drug ammonia here we come again.

On the way back, we detour  by the Prince George Airport, “International”, no less – does the Y represent international?  No it doesn’t, click for story YXS .  We didn’t know PG had a Costco let alone an international airport.

Google reveals PG is the 9th largest city in BC, referred to as the “Northern Capital”.

Back home, Allan drills holes in our new containers and fills with ammonia.

Next issue for us, city folk         

They have woke us up for too many mornings.   They love our back washroom, everytime I go in I kill at least 4.  I posted to a FB group to get suggestions.  1) Wipe down the walls and counters with vinegar.  Fast forward = Result fewer mosquitos  2) Fill container with water and Dawn Result = not one mosquito caught.

In despiration, we bought a DynatrapXL.  It has great reviews, the version down reviews were not good but it’s much to big for Bailey.  Back it goes. Back to this method

Any suggestions?  Still struggling to even figure out how they are getting in.  Allan’s guess is the dryer or microwave vent.

Answer to riddle   “Queue”    drop the last 4 letters still pronounced “Q”

Summer Solstice, IndyCar Race, Father’s Day = June 20, 2021

It’s a mighty busy day and there are lots of daylight hours to get it done!                                                                       

First up,  the race.  REV Group Grand Prix at Road America.   We missed watching the last race in Bailey.  We have very poor Internet, the best connection is through the park’s wifi.  Allan figured out today if he doesn’t try to screen share with the TV we can watch it on his Mac.                                                     💗 this smile!                Yahoo, we be racing

This is our set up…     

It was an exciting race with Josef leading 32 laps.  Then comes another yellow, cautions bred cautions!   Previous restarts went well.  This one, lap 53, not so much.  With 2 laps to go Josef’s car suffers a mechanical problem when the green flag flew, Palou, the dude in 2nd blew past as well as 19 other cars.  Josef finished 21, Allan’s guy, Colton, 2nd.

Not so happy to see this smiling face  Allan moving his car into the lead.  But wait…  dinner is won on the final point standings.

Leaving Road America, here’s how good and bad fortunes shuffled the deck:

  1. 1 Alex Palou, 349 points
  2. 2 Pato O’Ward, 321, -28
  3. Scott Dixon, 296, -53
  4. Josef Newgarden, 261, -88     Me=bad fortune,  still in the lead
  5. Simon Pagenaud, 255, -94
  6. Rinus VeeKay, 243, -106
  7. Colton Herta, 242, -107          Allan=good fortune, moved up in the points                                                                               with his 2nd place finish

Next up Father’s Day

Kyle and Megan called and sang fa la la, la la Happy Father’s Day. We had a lovely, long chat.  Always love hearing from them.

My gift to Allan, (we’re not big on gifts anymore spending so much time downsizing):  Last month while Allan was getting me hooked up to Telus, I walked across the mall to Walmart and bought some Father’s Day lottery tickets.  I hid them in my little purse.  I didn’t have enough space to hide a card in my purse,  so opted to buy a card another day.  That day didn’t come so “McIver” it.

                 Morphed this                                                      to this

Strange I saved the envelope?  I was filling it with lint from the dryer to use as fire starter.   What the hey, I’ll leave it in the envelope to make Allan’s gift extra special.Allan was impressed with my ingenuity.  At least I’d like to think so.

Finish the day with, 😮 a 🔥

Love how late it stays light 

I’ll leave you with this riddle…

What word is pronounced the same if you take away four of its five letters?

🧠 ⌛ Brain time!  Don’t google!!

See next post for answer




June 2021


Surisingly  good, inexpensive wine with a cool name. Has quite the story on its label




June 7th Allan began to use Davy’s cover in place of the wrecked Traeger’s

Duck #39 in Salmon Arm   

My attempt to keep Davy’s chimney dry.  Epic fail, we cooked indoors

June 15th – The Detroit IndyCar races were June 12 & 13, sadly poor internet does not allow us to stream. We joked we may attempt to view while in   CrossRoads Brewery trying out their amber ail.   Let’s bring Allan’s Mac just in case that works. 

It does work but, neither recording, recorded long enough.  The first race had 2 red flags, the 2nd was so delayed because of stupid golf, we only caught the last few minutes.  The result, we saw what we had of the races in one sitting.  My driver did better than Allan’s in both races.  My car remains ahead.    I can almost taste my win dinner.

Old Westie Amber Lager, is a hit.  Better yet, they fill growlers.  We’ll be back!

The issue has us a little insane.  The poison does get eaten  but the next moring there is more poop in the drawer.  They are fond of the drawer under the dishwasher, (we emptied it) and the back bathroom cupboard.

Bonnie, gave us a tip “I took a small tinfoil pan with a piece of rag soaked in ammonia and placed where signs of mice in the bays. Have been doing this for a few years and no sign of any rodents. I also buy huge jars of cayenne pepper at Costco and sprinkle under the edge of motorhome when parked for any length of time.”

Off we go, Dollarama has the containers we need, (we had to improvise slightly), but no ammonia. We try Dollar Tree.  Nope.  Walmart, nope, we ask “Where would you go to get some? ” she suggests the dollar store, next grocery stores, hardware type stores, pharmacies.  We are running out of stores.

Finally on, June 16 we hit pay dirt at London Drugs.  We bought 2 of the 3 they had, we felt as if we won the lottery.                 There are 2 Jeeps parked close together in the parking lot.  Allan ducks our first Prince George Jeeps. #duckduckjeep      Our 40th & 41st ducking.

One more stop, growler fill time.  Notice Allan’s smile under the mask. 

Back home Allan springs into action, drills the plastic tops of the containers we will use indoors and dunks cotton balls for our basement bays.  Fingers are crossed!

June 18, my 7year ago FB memory, is our handsome, amazingly awesome son

June 19 – Update – since we have added ammonia we have no evidence of any mice!   Super, special thanks to Bonnie!

This is a solid NO!!       

June 14, Tuesday Travel to Prince George

Today’s drive 3h9m, we are on the road at 845a, 71,072km    The drive is happily, uneventful.  I spent more time working on yesterday’s post than taking photos.  There are only so many mountain photos to take. 

I’m a little concerned.  We have an appointment in Prince George to get the exhaust reattached.  My concern is it is downtown-ish.  Allan selected this place cause they do trucks, but what trucks.  When Allan called to make the appointment the guy said they had another Class A in there last week.  We will fit, maybe we just have to fold in the mirrors.  Our mirrors do not fold.

Back on the trip, we do hit our normal construction, this section of the road was very agitating  (good for the tanks, not so good for us)

What does”Drive With Care” mean? Tips on how to avoid wildlife maybe more helpful cause we always drive with care.

We arrive at MamaYeh at 12.22.  This is the smallest office we’ve seen.  They normally include a store, not this one and you can’t buy firewood.  Thankfully we brought some from Sicamous.

Inside is this notice 

With Bob parked in our spot (feels weird to leave Bob behind) we head to the muffler fixer. 

Unfortunately my concerns turn real  No way will Bailey fit.  They have Allan back up to the door, one of the dudes, and me, are backing Allan up.  Dude keeps backing Allan up while I am frantically signaling  Dude wasn’t looking up                       From my angle it looked even closer

Bailey is blocking part of the street, I hope this doesn’t take too long. My heart is beginning to settle down.  Meet our tech!  The sky is getting darker and darker.  He says “You  may be here for awhile cause I’m going in if it starts raining.”         Side note: Yes Bailey is filthy!   Cleaning is on the to do list

A&W Burger is directly across the street.  We sit in Bailey watching the parking lot action.   A sketchy looking guy comes meandering across the parking lot.  There is an illuminated ENTER sign, he walks up and starts banging his head against it several times.  My hearts starts racing again!  After about 5 bangs he continues to cross the street, towards us.  He walks passed us.  Stops about 20′ away, picks up a stones and throws it towards Bailey.  Allan jumps up to go out, I stop him – my thought is it would just escalate his behaviour.  He picks up a couple more stones.  Luckily, none come close.  He loses interest and continues meandering down the street.  Never on the sidewalk, he walks between the centre and side of the road.  Cars go around him.  I’m so relieved when he’s out of sight.

Then it  starts pouringHopefully he doesn’t notice and continues the repair. 

They had it done in a little less than an hour.  It felt much longer, this is not the best part of town.

Back to MamaYeh to set up.  This is one huge site!  Finally, a campground that knows what big rig friendly is.  The owner, Edward Yeh is the friendliest, most helpful host we have had and we’ve had many friendly hosts. 

We certainly enjoyed our bevies at the fire.