Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Saving those 3 eggs till tomorrow.  Today’s breakfast, kind of a repeat of yesterday’s with a freezer chicken breast I shredded.  Have 2 shells left, wonder what tomorrow’s breakfast will bring.

The Ontario government announced today schools will remain closed until May  04, 2020.   I say they will not resume until at least September 2020.

The IndyCar series, keeps making changes to the schedule.  I say all races will be cancelled for this season   This saddens me, not only as a huge fan but we had tickets to St. Pete’s – no refund.  Have tickets for Detroit and Toronto as well, expecting a similar fate.

Stock market will continue to fall.

Allan’s:  Lock downs will be relaxed in 4 weeks in an attempt to kick start the economy.  Likely will not last.

I go to shower and all hell breaks loose.  Allan hears sirens, not unusual, and thinks they are getting louder & louder.  Here they are

It’s the neighbour, much too close for comfort.  They suit up

They load a very weak looking man onto their stretcher and off they go.

The pool area is now closed, amazed it took this long but only because of an order from Pinellas County. Horse shoes and shuffle board still going strong.  People just don’t seem to get it,

Our E clips that were scheduled for delivery tomorrow arrived today.

Wish us luck for blinds up day.

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