Waterton, AB September 25-28, 2023

The drive to Waterton is 1h39m from home; first stop pick up Bailey at Centerline (where Bailey’s stored) it’s then a 1h26m drive.  We’re “sin” Bob (now parked in Bailey’s spot) thinking most places we could walk to.  We’re about 5m from Centerline when I ask “did I lock Bob?”  Can’t remember, it’s going to be an axious 3 days.  Allan says “lets turn around”.  Back we go, the lock range is good enough that I push the lock button driving by.  Now my OCD can rest.

Off we go for real this time… 

We get 20ish minutes down the road when our “Ring” notifies us of our doorbell ringing.  We are not expecting anything from Amazon.  Check the camera and find…

This is the 2 sets of Bailey replacement blinds.  They were over 1k US ($1025. to be precise each are double sun & whiteout blind).  MCD, the blind folks, did NOT let us know they shipped, there wasn’t any duty & taxes to alert us either.  This taught us we should have grabbed, Matt the neighbours contact number.

Do we go back, it’s a lot of money sitting in the box besides the fact, we need the blinds. They would not be of use to anyone else but doubt they’d return them when they figured it out.

Back we go!

Mission successful!  A little beat up but hopefully no damage         

OMG we made it!! 

All set up!  Isn’t Bailey beautiful?! Scenery is spectacular as well  🙂

The good: 

The bad 

August 30, 2017, after an intense lightning and thunder storm, fire management staff in Waterton Lakes National Park detected a wildfire on Kenow Mountain, about 10 kilometres from the park boundary in British Columbia. Exceptionally hot weather, strong winds and extremely dry conditions fuelled the extreme behaviour of the Kenow Wildfire over the next week. An evacuation alert for Waterton Lakes was issued on September 5, followed by an evacuation order on September 8.

In the end, the wildfire burned approximately 35,000 hectares, including 19,303 hectares in Waterton Lakes National Park. Over 80% of the hiking trail network was affected. In addition, the Visitor Centre, Crandell Mountain Campground, many buildings at Canyon Youth Camp, Alpine Stables, staff housing and associated infrastructure such as water and electrical systems were destroyed.

The mountain now. Notice all the still standing burnt trees…

Prince of Wales Hotel survived, then and the view now from Bailey

Our first night visitors, there were a total of 6 who could care less who was around

Day 2:  A little chilly, high only made it to 12, windy, capping off with some rain.  Still love being here.

I did take more photos while walking today but they mostly look like day 1s.  LOL

Let’s try to install the blinds!!  Always a fun time doing this type of stuff.  After a few failed attempts.

Tada!!    Allan ROCKS!!!

OK gotta do a redo of our tonight visitors.  The same 6 no doubt 🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌

Ok so we’re a little facinated with deer.  Allan sneaking up on them to take these photos.

Keep your eye on the little guy with the big ears, seems to be facinated with Allan in all the photos

It’s way rainy and windy so Allan made smash burgers on the indoor grill.  Delicious my new favourite way to eat burgers 🍔

Day 3:  Made it out this morning for a wander, before the rain began, again!

Since Allan’s toe injury we’ve been trying to not walk on uneven surfaces and not over do daily steps

                                Cameron Falls is very, well, fall-y…

We then walked to and around town.  The marine is very quiet this time of year.  The different colour water in the lake is cool. Returning more deer! 

Bums, bums!  We later saw 5 of the 6 but didn’t have our cells to take photos, wonder where the 6th one was hanging out.

Go home day:  It’s been windy & rainy most of the time we’ve been here.  Crazy wind overnight, Bailey be a rocking (Allan be a sleeping).  The deer came to say good bye (Allan took these from the driver’s side window)…

This little guy still seems facinated with Allan, he’s talking to him through the windowGood bye mountains, till next time

Sadly, this was our last trip of the season.  Most of the campgrounds around close October 02nd.  We had hoped to find somewhere open until after Thanksgiving but so far not luck, if we do find a spot we’ll head out – if not its time to winterize Bailey

For those wondering why we aren’t heading South in Bailey it’s because we need our 182 permitted stay in the US days during the summer when we hope to follow IndyCar racing.  That is the reason we bought Bailey to follow the races.  Our first race would have been St. Pete’s, we were there in March 2019 which is when the world closed down.

Us, like the rest of the world had to switch gears.  Our change was to sell our properties in Ontario and move to BC exploring our country.  Being self contained made it easy, we also used InstaCart a great deal.  I can’t imagine being in one place during Covid, we did make the best of it for us!  Not sure why this is making me emotional but time to sign off……  till next adventure just keep smiling, laughing and be kind!