Breaky, Breaky, July 29 & 30, 2024

07/29:  Because there is always something new breaking…. Today’s installment, the dishwasher.  Allan takes it apart as best he can, noise still there.We’ll have Sunny Island look at it when we go back for the W&D installed.  Fires make everything better, let’s have one.

07/30:  What else can break?  Our bathroom scale!  Gotta get that replaced.

We’re back at Sunny Island RV for the reinstallation of the clothes washer & dryer.   Here we are                                              Here are the appliances 🙂

After dropping Bailey, it was a productive morning, I got a pedicure-Allan a hair cut.  No, not at the same place 🙂

Our self improvement chores done it lunch time at Prairie Street Brewery.  The food is delicious and Allan loves their Altbier, amber beer.  They do can their beers so we’ll buy some.  Love the wrench taps.

Just Allan’s luck, no they don’t have any of Altbier canned.  Boohoo

After lunch we head back to Sunny Island.  Much to our surprise Bailey’s slides were closed indicating she was done or they gave up.  They are installed and back hiding behind the cabinet.

We’re overnighting in the “Concrete Jungle” across the street for zero dollars. Allan says “should we run a load to test the machine”  I say “No, Steve (the Service Manager) said they tested and all works, we’ll do a load at the campground tomorrow.”

The campground is only an hour from Sunny Island chosen because we’ve ordered a replacement dishwasher and it will be here Friday (we hope) so we’ll be back to SI

We had to jury–rig the dishwasher cause after SI looked at it, the lock doesn’t work.  We’re ingenious, place the chair against the dishwasher and back it with our yoga mat against the dining room table.    SPOILER alert; it worked, d/w didn’t open.

We’re here 

Love our site, it’s pretty large

A walk around the grounds, there’s a mini beach

   Still loving our sign & Dancy

Laundry time, yahoo!! Load it up, add detergent, push the start button and no lights, no spinning, no nothing!  Should have listened to Allan and did a load yesterday. Super hero Allan springs into action in short order electricity to unit is back.  12 minutes till our first wash is done!

Of course our day ends, whenever possible with a fire.  Notice our wood stack?

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