Thursday, May 28, Rain Day

I’ll use this rainy day to recap our almost week back.  May has had crazy weather, May 9th it snowed, that was before we got back, last 2 days there was a heat advisory in effect.  Today just rainy and yucky.

May 23 – First thing every morning our chalkboard gets updated for our self quarantine period.

Allan is happy with his amber beer selection.  He wonders how much he’ll like his @RedRickards once he gets some again.   For now @yuenglingbeer  is the favourite.  Maybe because Allan likes canned better than bottled beer?

We are permitted to wander around the park.  Rules: 6′ apart or wear a mask.       We walk with our masks at the ready         

Crib time       


Caesar time!    Allan makes 

We see a vehicle drive by with 2 dudes, do not recognize it. They are staring at Bailey and slow down even more; checking on us?  Later in the day, the  Government of Canada calls to ensure we know the quarantine rules and are not venturing out. Even though they only have one telephone number for us we were not permitted to just pass the cell.

All that time in Florida and not one gator viewing, who knew Allan would be luckier to see one here.  Photo snapped right before my dash away…  Allan gets his Government of Canada call. Are you self quarantined?, etc.  Same script.  Same answers.  We are rule followers!

                                               Gator seems to love us or the fires, always lurking

Super amusing, maybe sad story about this, (side note doors aren’t closed because one is off the rails and needs parts the other doesn’t slide)

Government of Ontario calls to confirm we know the quarantine rules.  They handle it better asking if she may be put on speaker so she could speak with both of us at the same time.  Way to go, Ontario!!  We thought our 14 days is up on the June 5th, she said it was the 4th yahoo!

Gator still lurking, hope it’s the log he’s after.

TV time!


3 thoughts on “Thursday, May 28, Rain Day”

  1. First there was elf on a shelf, now it’s gator in the grass :p

    I like the chalk board count down 🙂

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