We walked by the informational sign at the office at least twice a day hoping for a OK to have fires again. We are the only district in BC not yet allowed.
Here it is, best read in awhile

How much wood did we buy?? The tote looks like this

Wheelbarrow!! They will deliver, this lovely gentleman shows up with 2 totes full! We are their first wood buyers. “Where is the wheelbarrow?” we ask. “It is conceptual” he replies. We decide one tote $20; 2 for $30 would be better advertising.

Before we get to “firing” stuff we must get our 10k steps so off to the beach we walk. Tradition here, states, we must get a reward. We are out of Fireball, my turn to share! Bailys on the beach 🙂

Back we go for axing

Plane heading to Kelowna Airport

An oodie but a goodie