Indiana to Ohio, July 01, 2024

Happy Canada Day!!  Cheers!!   

Today’s a short drive. 1h24m   

2 ways to get here, the first is though the little towns we travelled through when we visited Muncie in Bob.  Lets use the bigger highway.

It’s going good… until we have to enter to BIG highway 70 East.  Oh boy, construction…

Used to this, except, a dump truck like the yellow cab one pulls out in front of the semi in front of us making the semi veer off.  A few minutes down the road, the dump truck’s tire delaminated.  First we see a “thing” run horizontally across the highway.  Fortunately it missed the semi and us.  Then rubber was falling off, the semi has passed the dump truck, do we pass or not?   The dump truck doesn’t stop but does move over to drive partially on the shoulder.  Allan passes!

Next!  What do we see ahead?

The highway is completely closed.  What happened?  The glass windows will not be delivered as they are covering the entire highway.  This will take hours to clean up.  Emergencies services were not yet on scene.

“Ethel” (yes I name everything), my GPS is taking us down some very narrow, not sure another vehicle can share the road roads.

Finally we are here, the right hand turn into the park is. OMG, tight.  No photos as I got out to navigate the turn. Made it  🙂How the heck to you measure the 1/2?

Today was likely one of the shortest, stressful trip! We’re all snug now.

Jury is out on the winner, however Fire has less sugar.  Fire is usually the same cost for a small bottle as Fireball is for a big one.  This is the first time we’ve ever seen a 1.75 L bottle of Fire, price 36.99 they had a 750 bottle as well for 34.99.

Allan’s verdict coming soon!

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