On the road to Mid Ohio Sportscar Course, July 04, 2024

We delay leaving Arrowhead for as long as we could, check out is at noon but we are too anxious to get to the track, we leave at 1130. Problem, track check in isn’t till 5.  What the heck most peeps aren’t rule followers, let’s be rebels. The roads heading out are narrow, no lines.  Not quite as narrow as coming in but still narrow.

So much rain   

Then Allan puts on the 4 ways and slows down.  “What’s going on” I ask!  Trim is peeling away.  Another day, another issue. Said it before RVing isn’t for the faint of heart.

The next exit isn’t that far, let’s go there.  45 mins later, good cause it delays our arrival time at the track…zip ties and go fast tape…  let’s see how far we make it.


The rebels in us puts us ion line   

Home for the next few days Make it to our spot and wake up to …

July 05th:  Check out the booths and swag.  Allan gets to play the simulator and finishes in first place!

Tomorrow qualification!

Who’s going the wrong way?  The white car

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