Allan’s “spidey senses” were tingling so as we were not leaving until 11ish, he did a Bailey circle check only to discover the driver’s side inside tag tire is flat! That could have been disastrous. We’ll deal with it on Monday.
Today is a busy, fun day! First up… Smoke Wind & Fire. We pass on breakfast to have lunch there. We were disappointed, we thought there would be lots of options. No, there wasn’t so we made due with the 2 options. Look at us being adaptable!
Next a walk around Henderson Lake It’s our favourite close by park/walk.
Next Stronghold Brewing in Fort Macleod

Fort Macleod

Locked him up! No smile now!!

I feel like Rapunzel. Whoops, need longer hair!
You have to zoom in on these rules but worth it. I LOL at many of the conditions

Now time for what we are here for KISS!! at the Empress Theatre (110 years old) being here is part of the experience.

The show!

T’was an action packed fun day. Arrived back home about 1130 and watched the Indy Race. Who’s driver won?? Mine did, mind did. 130 time for bed.