January 21, 2021 Palindrome Day 2

     Wake up to  a bit more snow.     

Natives tell us this is the best winter in a long while.  We are not complaining, (too much), anymore. It helps that the day turns sunny.  We’re missing an ingredient for dinner and decide to walk into Lake Country IGA instead of driving.  The trail is slippery and lumpy and as my ankle isn’t perfect yet this may not have been the best idea.  Sun makes it worth the risk.  These crazy Birds (click to be mildly entertained) are always at the same spot.         Still wonder what type** 

Edit to add:  Bonnie to the rescue!   These are California Quails!

Rail Trail Walking by the previous location of the 🦘Farm we spot some goats, see the little dots in the field?   🐐

Today is exercise Bailey day which translates to bringing up the jacks and the slides.  Allan likes to do this monthly.  Bailey starts the first shot.  Good Bailey! Area rugs removed, counter and couch collapsed

In come the slides, which is always a relief.

This is what we get to hear Slide coming in sound & Jacks Down Alarm

Mission complete!With the “Bernie” Saunders meme craze, this is my favourite…                           FIND  Bernie!!




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