Chef Allan’s Breakfast creation!
Crepini egg wrap, topped with mashed cauliflower, breakfast sausage, eggs & cheese. Keto friendly, delicious and likely never to be had again!!
Outing #1 – Our friend, Mags, suggested we visit a mural in Parksdale. She sent us the link, Canada 150 Mosiac Communities in each province and territory across Canada will create sections of the overall mural that will connect Canada through art. Every participating city or town will create a section of the mural made up of 400-750 individual tiles that symbolizes their community. Full story click here We tried and failed to find it yesterday. I emailed both the town and the Canada 150 folks. Phil, from Canada Mosiac quickly responded the mural was in City Hall.
Here it is! A true work of art and community

Proof we did find it, this time 🙂
Next we walk to Mount Arrowhead Brewing Co. Sadly, no amber beer but we are good sports and have a their Arrowhead Blonde, not our favourite but OK on a sunny day.

Next up! A walk to the boardwalk we can see from Bailey. Surprised we haven’t been yet but it has been pretty windy.
Back in the park we see our local deer

and bunny.

The road behind Bailey, ducks like the pond.
Then the sunset. Not spectacular but OK, The street light lines the boardwalk we walked earlier.