Road America, Race Day, June 09, 2024

Who’s happier???  What are the results???

2 races in 2 weeks!  Can life get any better?  We decided to watch the race️️ from Bailey to see the pit action. Besides, beer will stay chilled and wine & snacks are handy.  🙂  We found Allan’s favourite Mexican beer that he discovered in PV ….

Not many photos as we were focused on watching, the first one is their pace lap, second is what we watched after they whizzed by!


Not Josef but one of my least favourite drivers… Will Power.  He does have a sad story, (click here is you want to read about it) but he was an ass before the illness began.

Results…  Joseph 2nd; Pato 8th….

… which means my car is first! 


Allan being a good sport after the race.  Playing King’s Cribbage




The disassemble pit boxes and vehicles leaving begins.  Begins with 7 semis, note how tall the orange NTT Data vehicle is.   Why?  What do they do up there? Hard to see from the camera angle but it’s at least 6 feet taller.  How do they make it under overpasses?

In little to no time, they are all gone.  I did have a photo of the orange unit but it’s gone.  They did lower the top part below the windows making it standard height.  Still wonder why they require that extra height.

It was an absolutely fabulous race weekend. Made more fabulous because….


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