Saturday & Sunday, May 30/31, 2020

It’s been a crazy weather week! Beginning of the week we were under a heat wave with extreme humidity.  End of the week, fierce thunder storms.                             Saturday, aka              was an exciting, dreary weather, very windy day.

Excitement 1) Allan had our first, virtual notary signing docs experience using   Appointment was set for 1030a. All you require is 2 devices, computer & cell.  Allan signed, the notary signed all done by 1050a!

Excitement 2)  Kelvin, our friend, brought Allan a case of Rickard’s Red.  Is  he going to like it as much as before?  Chill the beer, chill the glass. 

Humm, likes it but???  Maybe should have had it on a clean, no beer palate?  Tomorrow the first beer, in a chilled glass will tell the tale.  

Got a fire in after dinner.  Then on the recommendations of a RV group, we watched RV with Robin Williams.  We got many chuckles, it’s worth watching. 

May 31st

Made it to double digits           

Today’s weather much like yesterday’s.  Very windy and chilly.  This should be shorts weather not jeans!  

Allan’s first beer of the day, Rickard’s in a chilled glass!    Now that his palate was not spoiled by other ambers….The love affair is back!  Gone too quick for a photo.To cap off the day, Kelvin who’s wanted a golf cart since we’ve known him, bought one today!   Drive safely!!

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