We will be at Woodlake RV Park until the 27th.
From here, on to Enterprise to hopefully, get the slide repaired. Enterprise is looking for a replacement slide motor, regular spot they get it from is, grrrr, out of stock. They have located one in the States, hoping they get it ordered and here in time.
We take a walk around the campsite to the marina. It is nice but still smoky.

Yum delicious BC corn
Back in March we had FibeRenew plump up our sofa cushions and repair a hole in our lazy boy chair (was done in their plant), Allan’s captain chair was repaired in Bailey. That repair didn’t turn out well, Steve the owner, agreed to come back and make it right. He did 🙂 So much repair stuff = looks great now.

Next up – a walk on the rail trail to Ribbleworth Falls and our reward!

Friday, Sep 03rd… Costco restock day. Since they have set aside the 8-9 o’clock hour for “old people” we have taken advantage of it. I set the alarm, we make it to there just after 8, to find only one car in the parking lot, doors not opened. Did they cancel the early hour without telling us?? Yes they did. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. We take ourselves to McDonalds for breakfast to wait until 9.

Looks like this sign works, no panhandlers on this corner
Google when we got home and discovered “old people” hour is now only on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The sky is clear today

Today’s cute story… Allan is texting with his friend Wilf who lives in Coaldale AB. Back and forth they text. Wilf say’s he’s at a pub having a quick one and sends this photo

Allan sends him this photo…

Wilf follows up with

“Just about done, hope you have more beer, we’ll be there in an hour!”.
HUM, what does that mean?? Allan googles Post Haus Pub; yep it’s in Kelowna! 🙂 We are full of questions “We’ll be there” who’s we?? Wilf & Brenda with their bus for the long weekend? Wilf & buddies on their bikes?

Detective work!!
Brenda normally drinks Bud Light, the second beer on the table is too dark to be a Bud. We lean towards the bikes.
Soon we hear the roar of the engines, such a super nice surprise!
Quick but fun visit, off they roar!
From this little guy to this handsome guy, showing off his new t-shirt
Kyle in Victoria, us in Lake Country means we ship his presents directly to him. We normally get a “wish list”. This year we decided to wing it, sending Lululemon t-shirt and shorts.
Apparently, the other gift should have come with instructions LOL.
Is it an ergonomic mouse pad?? Is it a funky hat??
Wrong!! It’s a floor mat!
We should have included a pair of socks!

Kyle & Megan recently bought a desk you can stand at, thought this would be an ideal additional to that…
Sep 06 – Labour Day on our walk we see this friendly notice. FYI: we’ve walked past this property a few times, so far no dog. Sure hope that continues.

Later in the day: While sitting at the picnic table playing card I see a mouse run by on the concrete fence. Time to add the amonia, done. Allan wants to add a battery charger to the, yep, battery. Gets hissed at by a snake basking in the sun. Hopefully, the snake will eat the mouse!

Last weekend of Summer, please don’t go. Can we stick these leaves back on the trees?

I thank you for reading!! 🙂