The Canadian Wind Energy Association regards the Pincher Creek area as one of the nation’s strongest wind power regions. Presently, a total of 8 wind energy projects, consisting of 272 turbines are producing 291.93 mega watts of energy in the Pincher Creek area.
7 murals to see which results in walking around most of town

Sudsy’s Super Wash This mural of the car wash building depicts an antique truck and compares it to the new replacement vehicle – a new semi truck

Finding the Pincers This was first in the Mural Program. The mural is themed after the naming of Pincher Creek. As the story goes, the pincers, a farrier’s tool for trimming horses’ hooves, were lost on the bank of the creek by prospectors heading from Montana to the gold fields in B.C. in 1868. The rusting pincers were found in the creek in 1874 by a North West Mounted Police patrol who then named the location as “Pincher Creek”
The photo would have been better if the sun wasn’t so bright, may have to go back on a cloudy day

Mountain Mill This mural, was completed in 1999 by local artist, Bruce Brady. Pincher Creek had a rich logging history and the mural illustrates the Mill developed in 1879 on
Mill Creek (8 miles west of Pincher Creek). It was used to saw logs and grind grain and was in operation until 1902 when high water destroyed a significant part of the sawmill. A train trestle bridge was nearby. It was 198 feet high and at the time in 1911, the bridge was the longest in Canada.

Downtown in the 40s and 50s This mural created in 2003, depicts a life-like bustling downtown scene from the past, complete with families shopping and window displays

In 2006 Penny Corradine painted scenes on 8 windows on the west side of the historic Legion building as a tribute to the many men and women that served in all the wars and their families. The murals are entitled “War Is Declared”; “The Last Dance”; “The Send-Off”; “The Waiting”; “ More Waiting”; “Homecoming”; “Watching The Parade”; “Those That Did Not Return”

Cattle Drive” This mural of Turner Valley was completed in 1998. It depicts cattle at the turn of the century and the importance of brands to the ranching industry. Each animal
features a brand from local ranches that were registered in the 1903 brand book for the Northwest Territories (Alberta did not become a province until 1905). Over 37 brands were registered in 1903 in Pincher Creek and 17 are still in use 100 years later.

Kootenai Brown This mural completed in 2000 depicts Kootenai Brown and his second
Métis wife Isabelle. Kootenai was the first white man to settle at Waterton Lakes in 1878. He became the superintendent (warden) of Waterton Lakes when it became a Dominion Park in 1911.

Happily the last mural was real close to BP and Rickards Red!
Walking home along Pincher Creek. Most walks we spot this deer with her 2 babies

Walking across the bridge that crosses the creek, we find a lock with our initials 🙂