Visit Downtown Peoria Day, June 19, 2024

We found a free parking lot which is a bonus cause we don’t have any change for the parking meters.

What’s strange about this clock tower?   All 4 sides of the clock are showing the correct time! Mags, we thought of you when we saw this…  kinda knew you’d love it.

It’s a quiet town, hardly saw any people, but there aren’t any cute shops.  Seems strange for a downtown.  They do have a trail along the river front which was nice.

What’s missing at this dock?


This is how we do tacos in Bailey.  One of Costco’s inexpensive wines.  Pretty good.

Dessert!!  Freezies are great in this hot weather  June 20th:  Yahoo it’s another laundry day!!

These are the first 2 boats we’ve seen since we’ve been here.

Super Suds here we come!  It’s in a neighbouring town, Washington, much like Lethbridge most places are 15 minutes away.  We are super pleasantly surprised; there is only one other person doing laundry and there’s tons of machines.  Best – it’s super clean!

When the laundry is doing it’s thing, we walk. Got a chuckle out of this signYep, we, rather me, was very excited about how nice the laundry mat is.

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