An hour-ish drive brings us to Vancouver. A first for Allan 🙂 Even in Bob, he’s not a tunnel fan

Here we are. Sad to still see the smoke.

Looks better from this angle, see the mountain on the right?

I planned our day starting at Crab Park. Thought we’d walk around the park, so sad but we’ve been seeing many encampments.


It’s a little beautiful

The nicer part of China Town

Lunch/Dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory. Yum Yum. From start to end 🙂

The record store. Never knew there were so many genres of music

How are you enjoying it?
Having fun and thankfully, so far the weather is cooperating. Just wish the fires would stop and the smoke go away.
We were just in Vancouver and saw none of these things lol
Next time, you’ll have to take a stroll!