My “Happy Place” May 14, 2024

Empty hot tub was completed yesterday

Our Bailey is getting older, took several thousands and leaving a day late than planed but here we are on our next adventure!

Our sunrise this morning         

“On the road again”  Won’t record and post our leaving song even though it brings us such joy :}  Your welcome!!

Crossing at Coutts, we learned our lesson last time we crossed at Sumas, No chicken, No eggs, No Fruit, No Vegetables!  We’ll be crossing with none of these…  Almost there We’re here!!!   


Crossing guard asked the regular meat, eggs, vegetables, fruit.. No to all. Then the weird questions “Is there anyone in the Jeep?”  “Have either one of you been arrested and convicted of a (not sure what type of crime)  No we haven’t “Are you sure?” he asks. Then “you must like cold winters” took us a bit to figure that out but Allan did “No we don’t that’s why we go to Mexico”.  Crossed from start to end in about 15 minutes.

The signs saying caution deer proved to be true.  Allan was in his glory when we encountered deer on both sides of the highway…   He air horned them and they scattered.  The deer here are lighter and blend in more, we were on our guard and saw several.

Our first stop, Havre, MT 

Always an issue, this one… our big slide won’t open.  No power, why? Allan posts to a Winnebago site and someone responds with “the slide is likely locked”.  We don’t ever lock our slides and none of our fixer dudes worked on slides… but… yep that was the issue!

Our site, likely the long one yet at 150′

There are animals here.

Then spotted the gators! Stranger things may have happened LOL


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