Monday, October 05th Kelowna

Today we explore Kelowna.

First up, Woohoo!!    

Kelowna does not want you to share your parking stub, they add your licence plate to  ensure that you don’t    

We start our walk in the Rhapsody Plaza       

   We use the boardwalk to get downtown


We select a Mexican restaurant for lunch.

On our way back to Bob we stop to watch a tractor loading up a boat.

That’s a wrap!

October 03, 2020

Today is walk to Lake Country which is closer to us than Kelowna.  Kelowna = not walkable.

Kelowna Airport is about 2km from here, it is one of the smallest airports I’ve seen.     Should have taken a photo of the railroad track converted to trail, we walked along to get to Lake Country.  Did get the fruit trees.

I agree, this isn’t a remarkable day to memorialize,   BUT…  our destination is Woody’s Pub.  What did we find there? This smile tell it all!

  Finish off with a funny     


Winery day, October 02, 2020

First stop Arrowleaf Cellars in Lake Country, neighbouring town to Kelowna

It is incredibly scenic.

Our first, wine tasting experience The samples wines were light to medium bodied wines, we enjoy full more.  Deb pointed us in the right direction. 

Next stop Grey Monk Estate Winery

Didn’t take a photo of the tasting but it was similar to winery #1.  Purchased wine here, no photo.  I am slacking off. We decide to impose a 2 winery a day limit!

October 01, Thursday move in day

Here we are again, back with Bailey this time.  Through the gate we go!  Disconnect Bob, drive to our spot, we’re in 🙂

Take a walk around the grounds, the park borders on Duck Lake aka Ellison Lake.

Duck Lake    has ducks!

There is a goldfish pond

Stuff to do not that we are brave enough to join in. Sad, the hot tub isn’t open.

I think, hope, we’ll enjoy Winter here.  Lots to explore starting with wineries.

September 30, exploring we will go

We passed this on the way to Vernon and said we had to come back.  Here we are!

Allan finally found a bear…

Yummy, at least the chef thinks so   

All “kidding” aside this is the smartest goat ever!

We are leaving when we see the goat and stop to get a photo.   He starts walking up the ramp and poses     

He then proceeds to the bike wheel and with his paw turns it…Attached is a pail he lowers and raises.  Lowers to get treats…

Now watching us… Come back suckers!! 

It works, here Allan comes!   

    Well hurry up!

Buying the treats 

   Filling the pail,

Up goes the pail, I tried to video but some how pushed the wrong button and got nothing.  He gobbled the contents up and sent the pail back down.

Trust me, this is the smartest goat ever!

Next stop…    Planet Bee   

Next, next stop

     Fruit, fruit!


Kyle!  Would this convince you to add hot sauce???Next, next, next stop  White Spot, my favourite burger place.An eventful day!



What did we get ourselves into day?

Start the day       feeling optimistic

  Beautiful country

Getting closer     

Here we are! Allan charms the gate keeper, to not only allow us in, but also disclose what our site is.  # 063  Here it is!  Home for the Winter. 

The site is roomy enough, getting in, because it is angled is easy… leaving well that will be another thing.

Feeling a little relieved.

Sep 28 heading to Vernon

Trivia!     Today, 2018 our offer for Bailey was accepted. 🙂


Last day here and we get neighbours from Ontario. Good bye Spring Creek…

See this cutie while fueling     


There is snow on them there hills!!     



   Love these signs, not so much! Better safe

Welcome to…     

More pretty-ness

Sincerely hope to NEVER have to use one of these

The foliage and the super cute dude 


    Rock bra


Golden,  just passing through.

Good news!   

Allan’s favourite!  Tunnels, these are snow sheds.  Two in rapid succession.

Rogers Pass (real time camera)                

Last of the 3 snow sheds, they are very well lit.

Found our construction 

Motoring on by       Revelstoke

Attractions along the way

Finally got a photo of the train   

 This place looks like fun, we’re close enough – we’ll be back to check it out.

Swan Lake RV Resort  We’re here for 3 days waiting to get into our Winter park on October 01st.

This ended up being the quietest park we’re ever been in.

Tomorrow we’re going to check out our Winter park.  When we booked they talked about how tight the park is but with no other options we decided to take our chances.  We’re a little anxious!


September 26, Saturday

Start the day with a big win!!    It will be a great day!!

Hope the weather smartens up.  Scheduled today = Grizzle Paw Brewery, this time the actual brewery.  Allan wants a mug and Brenda told us how good their hot sauce is so will pick that up as well.

We buy our goodies and head up.  The store and the brewery are on the     ground floor             

2nd floor lots of beer storage.  3rd floor restaurant.   Up we go

We sit outside, wow we’re high up.

Unlike the downtown location, they have raspberry beer 🙂 I haven’t had it for years, hum not as good as I remembered.     

Lovely views

Three Sisters   

Back to Bailey Fire time 

Another great day comes to a close.

Canmore Trail Explore Day

Before we explore…

Allan, the master MacGyver, repairs the toilet flusher, bomb style. 

All done! 

Beyond beautiful !!

Three Sisters is the only mountain name I know.  We figured it out because many businesses are named Three Sisters something, ie Taxi, we then put it together!  We are so clever! 

After our wonderful hike it’s off to Drake’s for a pint 

What does Allan’s smile tell you?     

Yep, he found another acceptable amber ale 🙂 from Big Rock Brewery Now that we figured out most call it amber they are back to calling it red.

Our favourite bunny, he/she has one white slipper paw

Good night fire