Tim Nutt, comedian, is doing a show in Lake Country. The show has a twist! It’s a stay in your vehicle event First ever in this park, parking lot! While waiting for Allan I hear a loud roar, out the window but what do I see?? “Allan, hurry come see” This is the loudest, most black, largest plane we’ve seen. Military? They would not be able to sneak up on anything.
Out on our walk, we spot the ideal Jeep to duck. This Jeep is a real “Jeeper”
He even has the Jeep wave sticker.
Duck #27
Leaving the park we see this vehicle
Onwards… Entering the park the instructions
When purchasing ticket they did ask to not come in large vehicles or with roof racks. This “wanker” is, apparently, exempt Exciting, a live performance
The stage
The act.. whoops that video didn’t make this is all I got Ending
Blue Ox tow bar is rusting, shouldn’t be. Allan calls, they agreed to send us a new bar, but they are in the States. Will we be faced with cross border duty and taxes. We also have to hire someone to re&re.
We decide to try some Tremglad Rust Paint. Off we go to get a wire brush, paint brush and paint. No they do not reimburse these expenses, grrrr
I’m reading the paper so Allan hunkers down on his new stool from Amazon to paint.
Hum “Allan, what happened to the back of your sweatshirt?”The stool was not ready to be mounted and bucked Allan. Stone dust, galore! I pretty pleased Allan do a reenactment, for some reason he refused. (only his pride was injured)
Helicopters were the halfway act during Allan’s painting performance
Very nice!
Allan being so hands on today opts for Keto Pizza for dinner
03/19 – We’ve been using the caption’s chairs to eat, using our laps as tables and well as our game playing. We want our chairs back, Allan called and we found out the diningroom chairs are ready but they are still awaiting foam for the couch. Happy to have chairs for the weekend. Balance should be back by Wednesday. Ta da… They are so much more comfortable.03/24 – We get the call, they will be here by 3.
The installation begins
Cushion one done!
On the the second one
Allan is happy, see his
They repaired the tears in their shop, came out well. Looks better in person.
Lazy boy next
Morgan is repairing the rip in the chair. Quite the supplies
Dabbing stuff on
Using the dryer
The process took about an hour, didn’t turn out as well as the love seat.
Celebrating with dinner! Allan used a new tenderloin recipe. It’s a keeper
Today is Allan’s eye appointment, but first duck #24. Bet you can’t guess what store we are at
Eye appointment done, new frames ordered. Will take 1 to 1-1/2 to arrive. Allan’s guessing Monday the 22nd my guess Wednesday the 24th.
March 17 = 12h of daylight
This is the way some people roll!
Jury is out. Which Smoking… does Allan likes best…
Monday the 22nd – Big Kelowna day! Have put off picking up odds & sods long enough, today’s the day.
Breakfast @ Jammery
Safeway Liquor
Dollar Tree
Jammery, a breakfast/lunch place 5m from home. We’ve been wanting to try it out, but Allan’s breakfasts are so good…
I opt for something Allan would not make, Allan has
Breakfast Paella Real lobster, real crab, real scallops and real shrimp tossed in a pan with our tarragon lemon butter and oven roasted hashbrowns. Topped with two poached eggs and hollandaise sauce then sprinkled with paprika and green onion. Served with two slices of toast and Jammery Jam.
Chorizo Toss Sliced chorizo sausage tossed in a pan with onions, peppers and our oven roasted hashbrowns. Two poached eggs with hollandaise sauce and green onion on the side. Served with two slices of toast and Jammery Jam. The chorizo has some heat but doesn’t burn.
Both dishes were featured on Food Network Canada TV show “You Gotta Eat Here!”
Allan made a friend
Breakfast done, we be off but first – there is a red Jeep parked near the back we see whenever we drive by. Must be an employee, also a great ducking opportunity. Duck #25
Safeway Liquor is beside Walmart; we divide and conquer. I head into Walmart; Allan Safeway.
Allan is back to Walmart in no time (mission not successful, didn’t buy anything). He did manage to do another ducking #26. Our first maroon Jeep.We got most of what was on our Walmart list. On to the Dollar Tree for “Awesome Oxy Cleaner” which truely is awesome! Wanted a pencil sharpener but the only one they had was too cutesy, hence the next stop at Dollarama. They had a sharpener but also a huge line up so we bail.
Freddy’s, we will never bail on a growler refill. Success!
Tomorrow will be Lake Country day to pick up what we failed to get today.
March 15 – Our couch and kitchen/dining room chair cushions are so squishy we have been sitting on pillows to plump them up. We’ve tried to find a company who could remedy that, finally we are successful. Steve of FiberRenew came by last week to view and quote. Today is pick up day to get her done!!
The removal…
Couch/Sleeper cushions came off easily, I was concerned they won’t.
The lazy boy, not so easily Must remove top to get it out
Allan has been, strongly considering, trading in his beloved Traeger for a Davy Crockett made by Green Mountain Grills. There are a few reasons, this one is WiFi controllable and has a bigger range of temperature. Searing a steak is not possible on the Traeger but is using the “Davy”.
Decision made Allan calls the dealer, yes they have stock, off we go. Turns out no they do not have one. Didn’t just sell it either, they just don’t have one. They expected their order in last week but it still hasn’t arrived. We are not impressed.
We know the only other dealer in Kelowna is out of stock. I suggest checking to see if there are any Vernon dealers. We head home stopping at Freddy’s to fill a growler. Allan is happy he gets to duck with filled growler in hand. Allan checked the GMG site and the first Vernon dealer he called has stock, here we come, Vernon Stone & Fireplace
The very nice owner tells us she just started selling GMGs last week. She doesn’t have a cover in stock but we knew that, one is on order for us. While we’re chatting Allan gets a call from…. the first place we went to saying their order is in. It was a positive turn as we liked Vernon Stone better. She even through in a bag of pellets.
Back home for the build! Had it put together in no time
Penticton bound to meet up with our friends, Doris & Kevin. Penticton is 1-1/2 drive. We’re meeting at the PeachPenticton is a scenic town, we start with a walk around the lake.
We pass an interesting bench Following is the bench story “Ken Paton Bench, placed in honour of Ken Paton, founder of the Peach City Beach Car Cruise, is an annual gearhead event. The all aluminum bench was built to emulate the front seat and door of a car – vintage, no doubt. Also of note is the fact that, unlike other benches here which face the park, this one faces Lakeshore Drive, where the Beach Cruise takes place.”
Ducking in Penticton
Walking down the street, we’re discussing where to have lunch. We settle on a Indian restaurant we passed. A woman passing us, hears us and recommends Lachi – Fine Indian Cuisine as the best Indian in town. We take her suggestion.
Should be a lamb, not lamb chop. I’m not sure if March did come in as a lion as google wasn’t much help and I don’t remember.
What we’ve been up to in March, so far not really excitement overload.
March 02 – Off to get our teeth cleaned day, I was a little nervous as I have super sensitive gums. Unlike in Ontario, here they have a clinic that only does cleaning, Fresh Hygiene Joanna was more than good, Allan had Joanna’s daughter, Bianka, he was equally impressed.
Before going in though, it’s ducking time! Click to see Ducking action!
March 03 – Today’s destination, Johns Family Nature Conservancy Regional Park. We program Bob’s GPS.We drive up, makes sense but then we start down. GPS (for the first time ever) says “Sorry” What does that mean? Turns out it means the GPS doesn’t know where to go so it sends us back to where we began. Defeated we head back.
One of our observations here – most vehicles are dirty. Not to this extent but many more dirty than clean.
Next observation is BC’ers say Ontario did just Allan has been practicing and now has down pat. I’m still trying.
March 05– Kelowna appointment day, and another ducking! Duck #19
Maybe next time we’ll walk the bridge but it doesn’t seem very inviting.
Duck 20
March 06 – A quick trip to Freshco results in Duck #21. Allan waits in Bob for me, as a result captures the Jeep owner and daughter return to their vehicle. The little girl was very excited and poses holding up the duck. Smiles is what ducking is about, in this case mission accomplished!!
The above was the highlight of the day but dinner was a close second…. the Traeger Smoking… delicous chicken breast and salad.
March 07 – Sadly today Pepe Le Pew was cancelled. He made his official debut in 1949’s Oscar-winning “For Scent-imental Reasons” now we, not we, they! think it’s offensive. Makes me sad, I grew up watching Pepe.
March 09 – Today we are off to Stephens Coyote Ridge Park. I wish this photo would depict how steep and slippery the entrance is. We bailed, we’ll return when it is not quite so treacherous.
Alternate plan, walk to the post office to pick up our new supply of ducksand a quick drink at Woody’s…
Today’s walk will be at Dilworth Mountain Park. Kelowna boasts over 200 parks needless to say, we haven’t made a dent in seeing them. There are only, ONLY, 40+ wineries Have to get back to exploring wineries now that it is getting warmer.
Enough of wine day dreaming, back to the park. Beautiful…
Reward time! This one home made with Bailey’s.I continue to try to get a good shot of a plane, landing or taking off while driving on Hwy 97 by the Kelowna Airport. This is the best so far, Plane landing I’ll keep trying.
Sunday night = steak night. Allan tried a new recipe, delicous topped with garlic/cheese butter…