Saturday, April 11, 2020 Travel Day!

Let’s start the day with a brain teaser:   First, I threw away the outside and cooked the inside. Then I ate the outside and threw away the inside. What did I eat?      Answer next post

We’re up early, 530.  Not unusual for me but it is for Allan.  Guess we’re anxious/excited to hit the road.  We have coffee, shower then decide to go for a walk because we don’t want to fire up Bailey till 8 to not disturb the neighbours too early.  We pull out at 835a; 63,626 km.

Goodbye Robert’s             

With a little luck we’ll be back next year!

Not knowing what to expect makes me anxious.  We called the KOA to determine their new check in process.  We stay in Bailey, they come to us hopefully wearing masks and gloves.  Bonus, they have eggs they will drop at our site and charge the credit card on file.  Suspect it will be a fortune.

On the road I don’t know what is sadder, the lack of traffic, most places closed or the groups of people not social distancing.  Every Dollar General we pass has tons of cars.  We see several groups of people fishing.

I’m so nervous about our fuel stops.  I’m trying to keep a sunny disposition,  but some times, with no notice, my eyes leak.

Back over the really long bridge           

You wouldn’t catch me out there!  Tampa in the background.  Been trying to take a photo of the Florida citrus sign since we first entered the state.  This is the best I  managed to get.

Quiet highways                                     

Want this gone!

Heading towards Jacksonville

Yep this is our exit


Savannah here we come                   

We are leaving Florida, entering you must pass through a check point, all lanes reduced to one. Relatively quiet Saturday of Easter weekend.

Sad to leave…

But hey!  Say HI!                           

Anxiety kicking in, this is our fuel stop

Allan, my total sweetie agrees to wear a bag over the gloves he always wears to get fuel.  Pre authorizing the purchaseand he’s out filling

Who is that gloved wonder!!

Pass side of the road take down,trunk  emptied

Arrived at Savannah South KOA at 230.

Being lead to our site, no mask 🙁       

Remember they have eggs. Now they have our $

Allan’s liking this temp a bit better   

2 loads of laundry done!

Chinese for dinner then….

3rd IndyCar race.  Michigan International Speedway!  We were there, for the real race, many years ago.

Tomorrow tour the resort.

Good Friday

A little rainy out there this morning.  Fortunately it didn’t rain for long.

Our month here is over on the 11th, strange to say but, “do we go or do we stay?” has been our hardest question.  Wednesday evening a medical supply truck dropped stuff off at the infected neighbours camper.  He still continues to walk the grounds with no mask.  Better the devil we know?

We have been attempting to place another Aldi grocery order for over a week, several times per day.  Out of eggs again 🙁  These are the messages we get…

Sometimes they tease us with

but the times are not clickable!

We have been self-quarantined since March 26th, we wouldn’t mind continuing, but things are getting worse daily.

         We go!

We will take all possible precautions, I wish we had masks.

We book at Savannah South KOA, we’ll stop at a Love’s to top off fuel.  Tomorrow’s trip, hoping it’s totally uneventful.           


April 06, Speakers Take 2

People need to #StayTheFuckHome  The neighbour the ambulance took out on the stretcher on the 31st returned on the 4th.  He’s walking his dog around the grounds & coughing away.  The first time I saw him out was the 5th.  He couldn’t make it around the short block without resting.

We are using the “MacGyver” method today to get the speakers up.

First up we use a piece of string, put it through the screw holes of both pieces in opposite corners.         

Not so successful.  After several tries we give up.

Second method – glue the wooden ring in place making it easier to line up the holes. 

Whoops, glue may be older than thought.  The ring almost hits Allan’s head, I save his noggin!

Next we chalk the holes and the base.  It isn’t easy having your arms overhead, the screwdriver slips and puts a hole in the membrane.

We get them both up.         

Start time 1140a; both up 205p, a few breaks included.

Allan is already talking about how we will do it differently when we get a replacement speaker.  I vote NO replacement.  This one still sounds great.

Coffee is finally back in her look out spot.

We deserve a delicious dinner; not that they aren’t all delicious.

We’re sitting & chatting when Allan asks “Why didn’t we just remount the speakers without the wood ring like the other 2 in the middle Bailey”??Night all!


April 04 Race Day, 2nd in series of 6

Today’s IndyCar race in Barber MotorSports Park, features 29 drivers including Robert Wickens.  Robert had a horrific crash in 2018 that left him with a spinal cord injury and paralysis after his car was launched into a debris fence.  We’re happy he’s back and hopefully he’ll do well.

Side note:  This was our first ever race in Bailey in 2019.  It rained and rained but was nice on race day.  We were parked on grass – the end result we got stuck.  See April 08, 2019 page for the gruesome details.

Enough reminiscing, back to today’s race.   Track layout and analysis

The commentators, @leighdiffey  @paultracy3  @townsendbell





Pace Lap, oh no spin on first lap


Which means Felix is beating Karam.  BIG smile from me!

NASCAR tomorrow.

Had to come back and post this exchange between @ClintBowyer and Darrell “Bubba” Wallace Jr.  We love Clint, he is a driver commentator.  He’s very amusing, he keeps us watching.

April 02 – Blinds Take 4

Action packed day in store, back to the blinds and the Aldi delivery!

Covid-19 numbers keep growing, no end in sight yet.

Because humour is needed now more than ever 

Here we go. E clip installed, motor inserted in blind         

Here’s our food delivery, no bags.  We’re receiving as “no contact” meaning the Instacart Shopper leaves the goodies on the picnic table and we retrieve when he’s gone.

Up they go


That was       or was it??

Start time 1010a; almost complete time 236p.  Almost because we are done, like totally fed up for today.  For another time, speaker installation.

April Fools Day

Surely this temperature is a joke!         

I was surprised to read that Google typically spends about 40% of its annual budget on April fools’ pranks across its portfolio of products.

Interesting fact:  GMail was born today in 2004.

Breakfast ended being the remaining 3 eggs.  Allan made delicious scrambled eggs to boost our energy levels for the blind installation   🙂

I thought there were to be no April Fools jokes, yet..  Breaking News!  “Gov. DeSantis will issue 30-day stay-home order for Florida” beginning Thursday. That’s tomorrow!  What does that really mean?  Do we go or do we stay?  We really need the food order that’s being delivered tomorrow, and the blinds up, not so much for the night shade but the sun shade. We’ll be…

Because it never gets old  Traeger

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Saving those 3 eggs till tomorrow.  Today’s breakfast, kind of a repeat of yesterday’s with a freezer chicken breast I shredded.  Have 2 shells left, wonder what tomorrow’s breakfast will bring.

The Ontario government announced today schools will remain closed until May  04, 2020.   I say they will not resume until at least September 2020.

The IndyCar series, keeps making changes to the schedule.  I say all races will be cancelled for this season   This saddens me, not only as a huge fan but we had tickets to St. Pete’s – no refund.  Have tickets for Detroit and Toronto as well, expecting a similar fate.

Stock market will continue to fall.

Allan’s:  Lock downs will be relaxed in 4 weeks in an attempt to kick start the economy.  Likely will not last.

I go to shower and all hell breaks loose.  Allan hears sirens, not unusual, and thinks they are getting louder & louder.  Here they are

It’s the neighbour, much too close for comfort.  They suit up

They load a very weak looking man onto their stretcher and off they go.

The pool area is now closed, amazed it took this long but only because of an order from Pinellas County. Horse shoes and shuffle board still going strong.  People just don’t seem to get it,

Our E clips that were scheduled for delivery tomorrow arrived today.

Wish us luck for blinds up day.

Monday, March 30, 2020 – Blinds Take 3

We have an ongoing list of groceries we are ordering from Aldi scheduled for delivery on Thursday – we are down to 3 eggs.

Let’s improvise for breakfast – egg thins with cauliflower stuffed with shredded chicken, lettuce, salsa & cheese.  So delicious did not take a photo.

Allan calls MCD; gets voice mail; leaves a message. 

As Allan is attempting to figure it out, he takes the E clip off the new motor as he believe he had to replace the old collar and old E clip on the new motor to make it fit in the blind.   The E clip happily springs away!  Searching for it passes the time.  This is what it looks like and its about this size.

The Service Manager calls back, he’s the only one still working.  The factory is closed.  Allan drills him for installation and E clip requirements.  We need the new one, the old one we lost would not work. Now understanding the workings,  Allan is about to install the new E clip on the old collar.  WAIT, I say sit at the table in case this one wants to escape it will be easier to find.


The search is on.   High & low       

We can’t find this one either. Oh POOP! The Service Manager did say if we needed one he has one sitting on his desk at home that he’d try to mail us.  Very nice but the office here is locked down and we do not have a mailbox.  Life!  Such fun!

Amazon to the rescue!  Allan finds a box of 300 for about $10, delivery on Thursday.  We still do not know when/if we will have to leave on a moment’s notice but take the chance and order them.

We keep looking for both the missing little buggers!  We have a magnet but not even that helps.

The virus keeps getting worse.  More people need to stay home to stop the spread. Time to kick back and try not to worry about anything for a while!  TV entertain us!!