January 29th – Duck Success Day

Today is downtown Kelowna day to see Nissa who is treating us with Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT).  Allan for his shoulder and hip, me-my twisted ankle.  We are kind of falling apart but Nissa is helping.  She gives us  homework!

Allan is ecstatic!!   Jeeps in the parking lot!  #duckduckjeep

Our first recipient!          Ducking we go!!

The fits perfectly into the door handle hollow

Not to obvious, can’t be missed.

Ducking #2:

Ducking #3:

This is short term parking lot, we are hoping to see someone approach their Jeep.  My Nissa appointment is for 1/2 hour, Allan’s 1 hour.  We will be hanging around the area waiting for the other to complete the treatment.  My appointment done, all ducks still in place.  Where is everyone?

I take a walk to the lake while Allan is being done.re  There is a boat in the lake, see the little dot? That’s the boat  Must be 🥶 out there.


Allan meets me as I’m walking back.  We’re exciting to get back. Sadly, though all the Jeeps are still there.   We hope we brightened these Jeep’s humans day!


Feeling cramped? Looking to move?  How’s this?


  • 105,000 sq. ft. 
  • 21 bedrooms
  • 42 bathrooms
  • 30 car garage
  • 5 swimming pools 
  • Bowling alley
  • 30-seat movie theater
  • Full-service hair and beauty salon       Asking:  $340 million (that’s US $$)

Ending with…   


01/26/21 – Duck arrive day!

Having a Jeep/Bob is more fun than we thought!

Two things we recently learned:

1) #duckduckjeep

Back story of how it begun:  ducks

2) Jeeps 🚙 have Easter Eggs

We placed our “duck” order with Amazon, anxiously awaiting delivery.  We made up some tags and headed to Staples to get them printed so we’d be ready when the ducks arrived.

Here they are!   

           Working on cutting the tags

And the first one is done!! This one with thread, next we’ll try elasticsMuch easier …     Done with the first batch, let’s go ducking!!      Too late today, we’re going to Vernon tomorrow we’ll DUCK there!

January 27       Vernon bound

armed with our Ducks.

Disappointing,  we see few Wranglers driving but none parked. First day of Jeep Ducking is a failure  🙁

January 28   Today is stay home and repair stuff around Bailey.  Just as well as the roads aren’t good and it’s forecasted to snow all day.

Day 2 of no ducking!

But it is TBT = 2000 Molson Indy Vancouver

The winner!!  Paul Tracy my all time favourite!

Tomorrow we are going to Kelowna, hopefully more luck there.

I know random but here you go!

Spoiler alert!!  If you want to continue to look for Bernie from yesterday’s post.. leave this post now cause here’s Bernie!!  Bottom right…


January 21, 2021 Palindrome Day 2

     Wake up to  a bit more snow.     

Natives tell us this is the best winter in a long while.  We are not complaining, (too much), anymore. It helps that the day turns sunny.  We’re missing an ingredient for dinner and decide to walk into Lake Country IGA instead of driving.  The trail is slippery and lumpy and as my ankle isn’t perfect yet this may not have been the best idea.  Sun makes it worth the risk.  These crazy Birds (click to be mildly entertained) are always at the same spot.         Still wonder what type** 

Edit to add:  Bonnie to the rescue!   These are California Quails!

Rail Trail Walking by the previous location of the 🦘Farm we spot some goats, see the little dots in the field?   🐐

Today is exercise Bailey day which translates to bringing up the jacks and the slides.  Allan likes to do this monthly.  Bailey starts the first shot.  Good Bailey! Area rugs removed, counter and couch collapsed

In come the slides, which is always a relief.

This is what we get to hear Slide coming in sound & Jacks Down Alarm

Mission complete!With the “Bernie” Saunders meme craze, this is my favourite…                           FIND  Bernie!!




January: Week 2

Start the week with a little funny

It’s a week of food, (all dishes created by Allan 😃💗) sprinkled with the demolition of the burnt restaurant/general store.

Jan 10th –  Breakfast, gooey cheese omelet


Resisted having… 

Dinner – Keto Pizza 

Jan 11th –  Breakfast:  Fried egg, left over pizza, fried leftover pepperoni

Demolition of the restaurant/general store begins today. Wish we could have enjoyed it.  Photo prior to fire…

Fire was on Sep 07th, deemed suspicious.

Day 1, 11.37a  Demo 1 (click to view the action) 

Demo 2

Dinner, new recipe, Keto Chicken Jalapeño Popper Casserole.  So delicious!  This will be a repeat.

January 12 night-13 morning – Big windstorm.  It woke us both up several times.  Also big rain. Fortunately Bailey was not affected.  Others were not as lucky.

Photos creds to Cindy…

OTD 2020: Nuevo Progreso, Mexico, hopefully again next year!

Day 2:  Demolition continues – making fast progress

Did a Costco run today, need one of these?  I microwave to reheat my coffee.

January 13th – Day 3

Beautiful skies, at least a bit of sun

January 14th – Day Done!  That was quick!!

Love what they call a walkway…

  Yesterday skies were nicer.                       No rain, can’t complain.

Well, not nothing – we’ll play DOS

     January 15

Love today’s weather!!  Sun, sun, sun.

End the week with a little funny…

Jan 09, Saturday

Let’s go for a little walk.  We’ll drive to Pelmewash (fun to say) Parkway ..(Pelmewash Parkway, once a busy stretch of Highway 97, has been transformed into a beautiful and peaceful destination that provides safe public access to and along the waterfront of Wood Lake. This unique corridor promotes healthy lifestyles, with recreation and social opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. It also protects and enhances the natural habitat, supports economic and cultural development, connects trail networks, and strengthens communities. Enjoy the paved multi-use pathway on a continuous route from Winfield to Oyama along the West side of Wood Lake, connecting to the Okanagan Rail Trail at the North end and to Pretty Road at the South end) and walk on the Rail Trail around Wood Lake.

Starting point     

Away we go     

First time we’ve seen a bike repair station

Count down…

Look a big bird, wish I knew what type of bird, anyone?
Sights along the way

Oh heck, we’re so close – on we go…

Haven’t googled this yet but what is a Meat Draw?  Google knows all!

There’s a thing, “please pose Allan” 🙂

Made it!!    

Back we go, Bob is parked just this side of Pretty Road

Random walk back photos

Allan commented on this trailer both times we passed it making it photo worthy  wonder if it started it’s life as this one?

The trail “up” is much “above” our capabilities.  Think we need hiking boots and guts!

Home to ice the ankle.   Step Count: 17,328


Covid:  Suspect this vaccine queue calculator is close to accurate.  Will be border be safely open for the Winter of 2021?? 

Friday, January 08th

I decide enough of the ankle pampering, let’s embrace this cloudy day and go a steppin somewhere we haven’t been.

Destination: Rail Trail towards downtown Kelowna

A favourite Friday listen…

Ara & Toby, local morning radio hosts on Beach Radio 103.1 do a segment “The Week That Was”.  Toby compiles the week’s headlines and Ara turns them into a rap.  A must listen, click & scoll down a bit.

    Time to go, find a parking spot – Bob looks sad on his own, we’ll be back!    Downtown 5.5k – we can do this!

They said the trail was paved and snow cleared,  it is but we thought it would be more picturous.  It just runs along the highway.

House on the hill         View galour!

Kelowna is NOT responsible, so there!

We are 1.5k away from downtown Kelowna.  The trail is now the sidewalk, we opt to turn back.

We pass a home with interesting lawn decorations.                                                                       Wheelbarrows

 Our treat will be Dirty Fries & a pint at Freddy’s.  Glad we decided to share.  They are delicious and huge.

We’ve been here a few times, only today did I make the connection, dah (also just learned dah means dum as hell)  I thought it was just “Dah” Certainly fits here!

Sign in Freddy’s…

Home we go to play DOS and put on an ice pack.  The better we get at DOS, the more fun.   Interesting hands

First game to me, 2nd to Allan, time for the news so no tie breaker.

Today’s steps:  11870  😃 

It’s 145am, I hear talking in the other room  Allan is sleeping.  What’s going on?

The TV randomly turns itself on!  Or did it?  We’ve had a few strange things perhaps it is really a…     

Allan doesn’t wake up LOL       Back to bed I go.


2021 January Week 1 in review


What will 2021 bring?  We are optimistic about getting the vaccine, when?  I believe by the end of October.  If vacinated, will we travel to the South?  We are certainly wishing we were there now, having a hard time dealing with the weather here.  May have been better to stay in Ontario where it’s cold but at least there is sunshine.  It is beautiful here and we are enjoying exploring the area.  So much “what if??”  When will we be able to hug, entertain our friends again?  Be brave enough to fly?  New regulations going into affect January 07th:  all air passengers 5 years or older will be required to test negative for COVID-19 before travelling from another country to Canada.   The test, must be done 72h before travel; results from a molecular polymerase chain reaction test can take 1-3 days.  Sounds stressful!

It will be interesting to see what 2021 ends up like.  All we can do is… stay tuned!!                                           


New Year’s Day: The year, week isn’t starting out too well.  Another cloudy day, no sun but at least no new snow.

We were playing DOS, I get up, hook my foot at the edge of the area rug!

           Down I go…       

I’ve broken my ankle twice.  Both those times I heard the bone snap, no snap today – good sign?   Cold applied!  Not a fan!!

Dinner – left over Chinese, as predicted!

My 10k a day step goal, will be on hold for a bit 😒😒  Fortunately, we did have a walk in the morning, prior to the event!  Total day’s step  6594.

January 02:  Ankle not good yet, hurry up and heal.   Another overcast day with just a few seconds of sun peeking out.

Today’s highlight.  Allan’s delicous burgers this time on Unbun (Keto friendly)  This definately is a repeat. 

Today’s step count:  2959

January 03:  Today’s weather forecast Scattered Clouds

How exciting, bobcat clearing away excess snow.  Likely making room for more.

Today’s step count:  1999 (well this sucks!)

Dinner, we eat very well 😋         

January 04:  This is an exciting day!  Ready for this?  Carpet cleaning and Allan is going to the park’s barber for a haircut – both events begin at 1pm.

Weather – gloomy, (so many different ways to say cloudy) some snow mixed with rain.  Going to try harder to get more steps.  My ankle is a bit better.

We take our garbage for a walk and rather than coming straight back do a little block loop.

Carpet company arrives a few minutes early, bonus!  Tyler does a great job, Pro-Steam for the win!

Allan returns looking all spiffy!

Tyler suggests staying off the carpet for 24h so we move our game playing to the captains chairs

The day ends with Allan making “Beef and Broccoli”.  A little messy but delicious.

Dug in quickly, no photo of the finished product

Step count:  3730

January 05:             Another not sunny day and more snow

Alllan’s sad – no more eggs   

Trip to IGA!         Happy now!!

Not much excitement today.  We take a walk around the park, ankle is a bit better.  We have a mystery to solve.  There is a rickety dump truck, it is not licenced so can not leave the park, it moves snow from the main streets to ???  We can’t figure out to where.  We watch him drive down our main street, turn right.. we walked the entire area.  No snow piles.  Mystery continues!

Today’s steps 4620.

January 06:  Waiting for a Purolator package day.  When we aren’t Purolator is in the park early.  Not so when we are waiting.   Allan goes to his appointment.  Wait! What’s that???  Yes!! Sunshine!

I stay home waiting, baking cookies and watching “Crazy Ex Girlfriend”.

Today is Validation Day for US President Elect Binden.  It is astounding, they, were not prepared.  If you don’t believe one person can make a difference in this world, there is this…

Package arrived at 4                                    I am  now, officially a licenced driver!  Was a long process, finally Got this done too!!

Turned out to be a productive day!!         Steps 5327

       January 07:             

 Hoping to just get this done!              I’d prefer to fast forward to 2022!

Hum…     hazy sunshine.

Still wondering how many ways there is to say, another dreary day.

Happy to report today’s plan was a success!


New Years Eve

More snow 

Run our errands… first stop Don-O-Ray Farms.  Whoops they closed on December 24th = no hot sauce for us.

Next stop Flour Bean for Unbun buns and Quest chips 🙂

Next stop:  SuperStore grocery pick up.  It’s between 1 – 2 we are a little early so off to Freddy’s for a growler refill.  May as well kill some time and have a pint.

Pick up groceries

Dinner…  Chinese  we over bought!

Next decision…


Wednesday, the 30th.

Guess what we wake up to!?

We are going to Vernon today, it would have been nice to have dry roads.  Airport is 10 minutes from home, this is the best shot yet of an incoming Plane Humm you think??     

Vernon, cleaning sidewalks is not a priority

Safely back home we go for a walk down the walkway to avoid the slippery roads Snow and more snow


Bird feeders            Duck Lake,  frozen 😢

Home, let’s play Dos.  This is not, an example of a good hand!Love our area rugs with the underlay, to keep us warm. Drives me crazy how they don’t stay put!  Underlays are always popping out!! 

December 29 ♥ our anniversary

Our wedding anniversary!

Wake up to more snow.  Mother Nature got the wrong memo, we asked for NO snow!!  We spent the day doing not much of anything.  We are enjoying the “Dos” game and played it awhile.

Dinner is Italian from, our favourite but we really haven’t tried any others.

Cuddle up and watch TV time!  We are binging Ozark, think we’ll be done tonight.