Until you get onto the highway, then it’s just slushy…In Ontario we transported our snowmobiles with a trailer. Here, we haven’t seen a trailer – everyone seems to transport this way.Do not know what type of Birds these are but they are fearless!Tree done!
Today’s adventure: look out for a lookout…Kalamalka Lakeview Drive Lookout. Hopefully this will be more successful than our last attempt to visit a lookout. First, put on the dreaded bootsDestination
The drive
Arrive to meet the menacing trash cans
The view!
The story
Bob didn’t get stuck today 🙂
I thought there were hiking trails here… as a famous man once said “you thought wrong!”
The drive back. Go away snow!!
Back home we play Dos. This game a record for us 1h15m. Yes, I let Allan win!!
We celebrated quietly playing Allan’s new, Christmas gift card game, Dos. A change from crib & Omi’s card game (double deck rummy) it is fun.
Next up! Dinner. Amsmoked ham. Allans Traegaring at it’s best.
Fall of the bone! Cause we are used to having more for dinner we have enough for about 6 more meals. Freezer food.
📦 Day
Wake up to snow, snow, snow. We are letting Bailey down as we said she would never see snow.
Hopefully next winter will be less white!
We are at Freddy’s to fill Allan’s growler…. This is the brewmaster This is the filling of Harkrider …
The fun never ends 🍺 😃🍺
We decide to stop to see if we can walk a trail. Woa super bumpy here. Get out look around and no not the right place. Hop into Bob, the first time he’s stuck. Anxious moment! Allan shifts into 4 wheel and off we go!
We thought it would be much milder than this! Our neighbours have been coming to this park for 13 years – they say this is a good weather year so far. Have to research better!
December = a fun month beginning with my 1st ever wine advent calendar.
May I present… 24 wines – 24 days
This is the only one I couldn’t drink, yucky!!
Remember the 30 day plank a friend challenged us to… today was day 30.
She promised eggnog…. T
Allan still has to wrap so I take myself for a walk. It is pretty, cold and very slippery. They do not salt/sand the roads here. I suspect the hospitals are full of broken ankles, etc. I walked the back 40s to stay away from the roads.
“Mini tree” complete with the manditory sock gift!
Check out our poses, a little alike!
Allan’s new favourite growler… Harkrider Red Lager – new growler bottle
My Santa Chef at work. A first for Christmas eve dinner… Beef and Broccoli
New recipe, was the best yet!!
Being of Austrian descent, we always opened our presents Christmas Eve. Will we tonight? Allan’s input – it’s my choice 🙂 Allan hasn’t had Smarties in like, forever!!
New attire!!
MerryChristmas to all! 🤶🎅🎄♥
Hoping 2021 will bring renewed optimism, some measure of normalcy, many hugs and much travel!!
Today is full of waiting. There is a mobile, filler upper, diesel guy who is coming to top us off before noon. We use diesel to heat so this is a good thing. We have our SuperStore food order to pick up between 10 & 11. Much prefer this to in store shopping. This afternoon our turkey dinner is being delivered by the Blue Schooner, the park’s restaurant. This is the same turkey dinner they did for Thanksgiving.
Divide and conquer it is!
Allan heads off to pick up the groceries. I stay and use the time to bake a batch of cookies. My family tradition, that has never waivered, even if everything else has, is “Vanillekipferl“. Mom/Omi brought the receipt with her when they immigrated to Canada from Austria. 3 years ago we opted to follow a low carb lifestyle. What to do with the cookies? I found a Low Carb Shortbread that tastes, surprisingly close to the original. Had it not I would have made the real thing. This is the first time, I’ve used the convection oven – Allan showed me how to use it before he left. Preheating, takes longer than I thought it should
They are in!
And they’re done!
Hopefully Allan declares them delicious!! he did 🙂
Gift wrapping time!!
Problem with wrapping early is no eggnog!
Turkey dinners arrive!
You are likely thinking “that doesn’t look low carb”. We now do a cheat day now and again. Today is the day!
Sad day 😢 2nd to last wine!
Diesel guy finally here….315. Only causing a slight traffic jam!
This is one of my favourite days! Starting tomorrow we gain daylight!! Today is special as it doubles as the Great Conjunction, an event during which the two largest planets in our solar system – Jupiter and Saturn – will nearly overlap to form a “double planet.” (defination by Google)
There are snowstorm warnings in effect for today, snow was to begin at 4am. I get up at 530a, no snow yet 🤞 we are bypassed.
Woohoo, start with the jackpot! Good start 🙂
Here it comes, snow snow snow.
Mystery shoveller
No mystery, my Allan! To quote him “We didn’t sign up for this shit!”
Good news, an end is in sight…120 mins to go
It’s now 144p – 4 minutes to go…
Update 202p now ending in 9minutes
While waiting for the snow to end, spot the horse?
The park has resident hair cutters; my appointment is at 3. First hair cut since Charlene in Elmgrove! Will the snow stop before then? Nope!
Hair cutter, Robert was a delight!
Next life gonna be a weather forcaster for obvious reasons.
Today is visit Freddy’s Brewery. Their claim to fame is not only their brews but hot sauce and they are attached to a bowling alley. As germaphobes, we wouldn’t stick our feet in rental shoes even before the pandemic, it is a novel idea. Who say’s lets have a brewery and bowling alley? Guess a beer drinking bowler!!
Here we are!
What to select, we know Allan’s must be amber. I’d like a coffee one, bring on the samples
We both wake up super early, 5ish, figures when we wanted to sleep in. Maybe excitement about our Barenaked Ladies concert tonight. Fun back story about them.
Coffees drunk, now what…. I know, let’s blast from the past it … and workout to Richard Simmons Sweatin’ to the Oldies What Allan won’t do to humour me!
We putz around playing crib waiting for dinner time. We have wanted to walk outdoor to take in the Christmas lights – tonight is the night!
Allan makes delicious stuffed peppers
Dinner done it’s time for our walk. Following photos are proof that not only did we tour the park, but I’m a rotten photographer!
Back home, we dress in our finest “go to concert” attire. Limo arrives!
OK, no limo, attire = jammies, and we are watching in our living room but still exciting. Our first streamed concert. https://fb.watch/2t5nb-22rc/
That was fun! We did not have to worry about going to sleep during the concert as it was only 40 minutes. A well spent $15.00