November 26 – Lake Country

We take the rail trail to Lake Country.  Along the way we spot.

Errands complete, including putting a firepit on hold for pick up with Bob, we find ourselves at Woody’s.  Lotto pull tabs are popular here.  Ren, the bartender, guarantees if we buy $10 worth we will win.  Let’s give it a try.  Allan divvies up the tickets   

            Ren was correct!  We did win some 💲

Walk home, pick up Bob, get our new propane firepit.  Oh  how we long for a real fire.  For now…

The inaugural lighting 

Away it goes, Allan and the PIT!! and me Firepit

My fire god!

Heading to the Kelowna Airport a mere 10 minutes from here.

Not only my fire god, also my toque wearing chef!  Allan wears so many hats

A bit of covid humour

November 20 – Glad we didn’t fry!

We have a difficult time getting a mobile RV company to come to check on our on-going power issues. Seems this time of the year they prefer to skirt RVs.  Skirting an RV: putting material around the bottom of the rig to keep its nether regions protected from the cold.       


One of the companies Allan calls (who do not have any openings) suggests Mirel’s On-Site RV Repairs.  Mirel agrees to come, arrives at the agreed time on November 16th.  We’re so relieved to have found someone.  He checks the power at the post, puts his meter on Bailey, Allan comes inside to allow him to work.  Next thing we see he is loading up his truck.  Allan goes out, yes he’s packing up as he doesn’t feel comfortable troubleshooting the electric reel.  The guy that recommended him did say if he didn’t know how to repair he would not.  We are happy he didn’t persist and potentially mess up more but we still aren’t fixed.

Next up, November 20 –Happy Camper RV Services

Vern set about determining the power issue and confirmed the issue is with the power reel.  Poor guy, working in such tight space.   These parts are the culprits:

Even I can see how scorched these are.  Long story short, these are proprietary parts to the reel manufacturer in the States.  No distributors in Canada.  We have no choice but to order and wait for it’s arrival.

Happy we dodged a fiery bullet!   This is the only smoke we want to see Never gets old!

November 09 & 10

Life ain’t fair, thought we’d come West as it would be warmer.

So far, the jokes on us! 

Then there is this:  Kelowna snow days: 2   Newmarket: 0

Nov 10th – Wake up to  top 2 are Bailey’s basement,                                    bottom one is inside.  A little nippy!

Nippy cause our heat isn’t working

And more snow…

The shoveller is not amused!

The park sends Dave in 007 to check our electric post.

Dave replaces everything he can and still we pop.  He’s done all he can, we now have to get an RV electrician – if the problem ends up being at the post the park will pay, if not we do.  Taking guesses on who’s issue this will end up being.  Allan hooks us up to 30amp for now.

High tailing it down South is sounding better and better.

November 01, 2020

Today’s adventure will be a walk through the Spion Kop hiking trails.

Our GPS takes us through a subdivision, up, up we go park to this view.  We examine the map We decide on the easy trail

Off we go up a hill, next hill is very steep, next a steep down hill.  Slipping and sliding as we are wearing our, not so new, translates to not much tread left, running shoes.  Sliding down the hill makes me think this was a crazy idea without hiking boots.   Why would they send you through such life-threatening,  (OK, may be a slight exaggeration)  terrain to get to the easy loop?? 

Back we go, luckily arriving with our limbs intact. 

Another look at the map. 

“You are here” then the killer Connector…  WAIT there is parking by the Raptor Loop – should have parked there.  Next time!!

Happening across the street, this guy has no fear of heights We’re out of here for now!

We’ll try this again another day, for now…     

Hallowe’en 2020

Hang around the park day.  This is the rail trail behind the park where bears have been spotted, not by us, we are yet to see any wildlife.

We did spot this fellow       he’s friendly enough

   🦇 🎃 👻  Trick or treating time! 👻 🎃 🦇

An eve that will be remembered! 

   Fireball      Remembered for sure!​

We should have taken more photos but were too excited and rushed home with our treats!       Best Halloween!!

Snow Day October 23, 2020

We choose correctly!  We weren’t sure whether to leave Victoria on Thursday or Friday, decided Thursday thereby dodging a snow bullet.

    We wake up to…   

The Coquihalla Pass didn’t fare as well. “The highway has been shut down in both directions on Friday morning due to commercial vehicles spinning out.”

We would have been caught up in that.  I’m still freezing thinking about it

333p still snowing   

  The plan was Bailey would NEVER see snow.  Not working so well.

What to do on a snowy day?  We’ve been having shower drainage issues.  Today is a good day to tackle that. 

Step one, remove the culprit from this small space beside the bed

                               Done!  Well at least it’s out.  Should have taken a photo of Allan’s mangled hand, scratches, scraps, blood.  He did win this fight.   Replacement valve on order.

So much excitement today, our heated hose arrived!                        




October 22nd, back we go.

We get an early start learning for the trip here that it is a long travel day.  We arrive at the ferry a little before 8a.  We are surprised – thought the next ferry was at 9 nope good news it’s at 8 and we’ll be on it!  Great start to the day.

       Not crowded at all, glad we didn’t make reservations as to reserve is an extra $17. Just 2 ferries passing in the day! 

We thought we’d have coffee & breakfast waiting to board, now we think (we know) we won’t find any on board but we’ll try anyways. Yahoo, the Sitka Coffee is open.  We get our coffee and breakfast sandwich while enjoying this view.  Photos taken within minutes of each other.

Time to disembark     

On the road again!Back through the snow shed 

 Hoping to only see snow on the beautiful mountain tops

Use of chains not required today.       

       Getting closer. Such a beautiful day.

Snow on the side of the road is OK 

            A bit more snow here

Super steep runaway lane.  I shudder thinking of the trucks that must use it. Sunshine for the entire day, doesn’t happen often!

Almost home…



Celebrating Megan’s Birthday, Oct 21st

We’re starting the day in the hot tub.  Pour our coffee but we’ll want a second cup.  They have a glass carafe, don’t want to bring that out so… “MacGyver” it and use            their martini shaker 🙂   

Side note:  Better in theory than practice!  Burnt my fingers doing the pour.  Worth the burn for the hot tub burn!

It’s not Megan’s birthday till Sunday but we have to head back tomorrow so we’re celebrating today.

Gift = Skylight Frame So much fun, anyone can send you a photo.  We thought it would be especially fun now so Kyle could send photos.  

Melonie is working so we play a game of crib waiting for her to come home



Yes we let Megan win!




Megan selected Il Terrazzo for dinner.  An excellent choice

Should have done food photos 🙁

                  Our fire goddess!