Wednesday, January 02, 2019

We decide today we will gamble on the strip. I’m very cheap but in honour of my Mum who loved to gamble we sit down at a $1 slot machine at Casino Royale.

Our big time gambling limit is $20 a day, by then we’ve normally lost interest.  The machine we select has a Spin to Win wheel, $18 with little return, last 2 bucks YAHOO a spin comes up, spin, spin, spin  WIN $500. Cash out immediately!! Such fun winning.

Tonight’s show, Paranormal – Mind Reading Magic.  Frederic Da Silva is truly amazing. He calls people to stage by randomly throwing 3 Frisbees in the audience the 3 catchers then through them.

Allan caught one! Allan on stage really stole the show 😊

A must see show when in Vegas.  It was our favourite of the 3 we saw this trip.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

We spent a quiet day because tonight is showtime! Zumanity Cirque du Soleil, in New York New York Casino.

Chef Allan makes us a delicious breakfast, complete with his famous Caesar beverage and beer 🙂  Chef Ramsay beware!!

The show was entertaining, fun, lots of laughs even saw 2 near naked ladies swimming in a fish bowl.

Now for after the show dinner.  We see a Ginseng Korean BBQ off the strip.  We enter and quickly determine it must be authentic as we are the only non Koreans. We stumble through ordering as there is a language barrier but do surprisingly well. They put scissors on the table, I say “She forgot her scissors isn’t that weird?” Turns out the scissors are used to cut the meat. Chop sticks don’t come with knives!

Food was delicious, restaurant a great find.   All in all a fabulous day!

New Year’s Eve

We head out to the Strip about 7pm, drink in hand. It is so much colder than we thought it would be, turns out it is unseasonably cold, we soldier on… here we come!!

The Strip is closed to vehicular traffic, the centre median has more police officers and vehicles that we ever saw in one place.  Buses and tanks are being used to barrack streets.  They must have every Nevada State police officer here. At least we feel safe.

We are having fun, lots of people. Many ladies dressed or undressed to the nines with CFM heels, oh to be so young again!!

Because every celebration requires the crazy ones, we offer

We decide an indoor drink is in order to warm up, we thought perhaps New York New York would be the casino to be at Times Square and all but whoops you need a wrist band.



Plan B:  We stayed at the Luxor when we got married 24 years and 2 days ago they will welcome us and YES they did. Warm up & drink time. Our sweet server said Caesar’s Palace is the place to be come midnight for the fireworks and festivities.

Off we go, what an adventure we are on. OMG, there are so many people we are making progress and finally we are in the throws of way too many people in front of Caesar’s awaiting the fireworks.  This photo doesn’t give justice to the 300,000 celebrating people.

There are warning that due to heavy winds the fireworks may be delayed.

Way too many people, we can’t move, everyone is sandwiched. There is a barricade behind us, people start jumping over it to escape – a fight breaks out. Fortunately on the other side of the barricade.  This side, a very drunk man standing on the barricade falls back on Allan.

All those police who made me feel safe earlier are not responding.  2 officers standing on a nearby staircase are witnessing the flight and all they do is shine their flashlights making it easies for the combatants to view each other to land their punches.

I fear the crowd will become even more unruly and we’ll be stampeded.

Finally the fireworks ring in the new year.  That calms the crowd down.  It was a good show, not great, but good.

We hope the crowd will dissipate but no we end up having to make our escape over the barricade to escape and head back to Bailey.

Motto – Be careful what you wish for!!

Freezing, fear for your life but another bucket list item done.

New Year’s Eve Day

We walk to Fremont St and come upon “World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop – Pawn Stars” The lineup was snaked around the block to get in.

Neither of us knew why, Allan’s theory! These were people pawning items they stole over the weekend.

Some of the sights.​

One of the things we having a hard time with is…drum roll… remembering here they have no clue what a washroom is. We’ve had several blank stares when asking for directions to one. SO to remember RESTROOM not washroom. Allan found his and had to share as it is full of Marilyn Monroe prints.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

A chilling and walking the strip day in anticipation of New Year’s Eve.  Bucket list item soon to be scratched off my list.

This must be an amazingly good Taco place based on the way long line ups.

Some sites around town..

We’re going to a show tonight, Piff the Magic Dragon who we first saw and loved on America’s Got Talent.  The show was super entertaining, with some “how did he do that?” thrown in.

Walking home after the show we encounter this bus

Mystery in Bailey!!!   We keep finding silver, flecky, flecks on the floor. Many, seemingly never ending. We haven’t a clue what they are or where they come from but getting tired of picking them up.




Saturday, December 29, 2018

Happy Anniversary to us!  We got married in Las Vegas 24 years ago, lots of reminiscing going on 😊 So  many wonderful (some not so), but way more wonderful have happened in this thing we call life.

One of life’s mysteries.  How to you pronounce Zzyzx?

Closer we get the more traffic there is, don’t slow us down we want to get there!

Yes Piff! We’re going to see him.

Not going to see Gwen.

Staying at Circus Circus RV Park. Not to let anyone down, YES, we make the wrong turn.  Where the heck is the RV section?  We get turned around and voila!!   We are here!

Puppy in the window.

Arrived noonish, got set up and heading out to walk the strip.

Silly us, we thought we would be wearing summer clothes.

We walked to the Luxor Hotel which is where we stayed on our honeymoon.

Us then and now…

Luxor in the background

Friday, December 28, 2018

8:55a, 46,566k getting an early start cause today is the day we go to Costco. True to us it is a 5-minute drive from the RV camp, yet we still manage to take a wrong turn. Around a building we go… We do make it and thankfully the parking lot is relatively empty. We park in the back and stock up on stuff, back on the road at 11.  Today’s destination is Bakersfield.

We opted to take the scenic old Pacific Coast Highway until we had to turn inland. We drive through several cute towns with extremely narrow main street. Allan gets to use his air horn for the first time. Scared the crap out of the lady who was inching onto our road without looking. Allan decides his nerves have had enough so now we head to the main highway, I5.

We have a choice to turn left into a marina, not for us, or right we can’t tell where that goes so right we go. Whoops, this is a military base, complete with an armed guard at the entrance.  There is no way we can U-turn in the street.  Turns out it’s Camp Pendleton’s housing area. Mary-Ann jumped out and sweet talked the guard into letting us drive in and turn around but not before he called for armed backup to make sure that was all we did. Got turned around and headed back to a safe I5.  So happy to be back on the highway.

It’s getting late so we stop at the KOA in Bakersfield for the night. We did not expect it to be as cold as it was, little did we know it was just going to get colder.

We did Traegar dinner, relaxed by the fire and we anxious to get to Vegas.


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Beautiful sun filled day, unlike yesterday, off we go to Old Town San Diego using the trolley. Whoa!! in some areas the rails are so high you almost feel like you are flying.          Old Town was much fun, looks like you are in a Mexican town. There were lots of “interesting” people some yelling louder than others. The stores are all touristy but that’s what we are so all is good.

 We ate at the highly recommended, Café Coyote and were not disappointed.

Many seem to fly a flag at their RV site, we stumbled upon a flag store and bought Bailey’s first flag.

We walked around and came upon a bar, go figure!

We did consider going to Tijuana as the trolley takes you nearly there but didn’t want to take the chance of getting stuck in Mexico due to the unrest.

Such a fun day, now back to the trolley and home.  Must admit it is colder than we thought it would be so got a good deal on these.

Christmas 2018

Merry Christmas to all!!

Rain rain rain, then more rain! B2 wants to go out to play but rain, rain.  We fill the time playing crib and cards.

Just want to play!






Finally, the rain stops, off we go for a walk to the liquor store, yep it’s opened here on Christmas Day to finally get some Bailey’s! Started raining again on our way back but we’re happy we have Bailey’s. We can now formally introduce Bailey to Bailey.


Allan did Traeger us a turkey   Dinner was delicious.

A visitor to our park.







Ended up the evening in the hot tub.  Love hot tubs 🙂