Friday May 21, 2021

Our neighbour told us of walking trails nearby so we start the long weekend, walking to Eagle River Nature Park Snow is melted on most of the mountains, then there is this one.  I wonder if it will melt while we are still in the area. Check the trail map, off we trot towards the river.A few feet into the trail … “Ensure the bear is aware you are there”Previous research reveals …

Black Bears: If you are attacked by a black bear, DO NOT PLAY DEAD

  1. Stand your ground.
  2. If it doesn’t notice you, slowly retreat.
  3. Never run – it can trigger an attack.
  4. Don’t climb a tree – black bears can climb trees really well.
  5. Don’t make eye contact – they may see it as a threat.
  6. Use bear spray to ward off the attack if it gets close.
  7. Get loud and aggressive if a black bear approaches.

Brown/Grizzly Bears: If you are attacked by a brown/grizzly bear,  PLAY DEAD

  1. Leave your back pack on  (great we don’t have one)
  2. Lay on your stomach
  3. Clasp your hands behind your neck
  4. Spread your legs to make it harder for the bear to turn you over
  5. Remain still until the bear leaves the area

Based on the sign and the above if we encounter a bear we do not play dead.   Still have to buy bear stray.

        It does look like ideal bear country,  doesn’t help that some rocks resemble bears.  Yep, a little frightened.   We did encounter an other couple walking ahead of us, we affectionately called them “Bear Bait”.  Wish I knew if I was concerned for nothing.

Looks like a beaver worked hard whittling down this stump.Mother Nature does nice work

Made it out alive!!  We do deserve today’s reward!

Salmon Arm May 17, 2021

Salmon Arm is the largest community on Shuswap Lake with a population of approximately 17,100.  Translation it has a Bulk Barn, No Frills and of course Walmart.

Not only do we want to visit but we have errands, (Lordco to returns bulbs that are much too bright, No Frills, Bulk Barn and Walmart for kindling). We’re both up early and on the road by 9.  We skip breakfast, we’re going to have lunch at Barley Station Bonus! They fill growlers.  Allan’s research reveals a brew named “Sixty Five Roses Honey Red Ale“.  Allan is hoping it’s good enough for his growlers!

We get to “duck” at the Bulk Barn   Errands done, off to lunch 

  Magic happens here

🍺 verdict!!  It’s OK, not worth a growler fill  👎

Washroom wisdom 

         Food done now time to explore.  First stop the wharf


Water level in past years

Next stop downtown, as easy walk from the wharf

Not sure what these cherries representBob is on the other side of the tracks!  It’s a fairly long train.

Why people litter like this is beyond me but these guys are enjoying the spoils.

Sight seeing done we go to No Frills where we get to duck 2 Jeeps.   These are #37 & 38.


Shopping done, both Jeeps are still here but the red one’s duck fell off.  Allan to the rescue!    Fallen Duck   Saved Duck

Driving back we stop at Farmer John’s in Grindrod (same little town Allan got his belt repaired)  Allan & Bessie   

They just re-opened for the season on Friday so the shelves are a little bare.  The interesting thing, the cows are milked by robot Google “robot milking cows” it’s rather interesting

Final thought 

Sicamous Lookout May 13, 2021. Turns out it’s “do something today that scares you” day!

We are weird!  We were going to head to the dump cause, isn’t that where bears hang out?  Google tell us “Sicamous Landfill” is closed today, meaning this will not be a 🐻 hang out.

We revamp and head to Sicamous Lookout.

Advenure begins with what else?  A train. 

We keep our eyes peeled, spot zero wildlife.

Off the main road we encounter this warning.   

These are the types of roads Bob is built for but I’m a little concerned about the “Active Hauling”.   Drive starts easy enough even though the road isn’t wide enough to pass an “active hauler” barrelling down the mountain. Maybe this isn’t our best idea!  Not only is the road even more narrow, you can’t see around the corner.This really is the highway to heaven!!  Not pictured is the steep fall off.Look left and see…  Beautiful but not the lookout.  GPS is saying we are still 1k away.

Then seconds later, “You’ve reached your destination on the left” Doesn’t look like a scenic lookout to us, at least it’s wide enough to turn around.We must be so close.  Do we admit defeat?? We decide to walk up the road a bit.  Dirty Snow!This looks like ideal bear country, we’d rather see one while in Bob.  Back to Bob to continue this white knuckle journey.  GPS tells us we are getting further away.  This is nuts!!  We turn around at the next available spot.  When driving up, we past a pickup truck parked on the side of the road.  Turns out he was at the lookout, we were just so focused on driving by safely we didn’t look left.  Not pleased he’s in our photo!    Note the platform:  The lookout was originally a hang gliders platform. It is decommissioned now.This was in 2011, wonder then the platform was decommissioned.   The story here

We drove further down and discover these amazing views, easier to spot going than coming.

Allan and Bob quite the team.


Drive down was nearly, stress free.  Worried for nothing, no “active haulers” today.

Still no bears, deer, cougars-only… 

Safely home and fire time!  Tomorrow a trip to Vernon and the dentist.

May 12, visit Enderby day

We’re on our way to the South Enderby Flea Market (40m drive) to search for sunglasses for me (I broke my favourite pair)   glasses look like they are smiling, me not so muchand, a belt for Allan.   

Recap – Kyle brought back a super cool belt from the Ukraine but it is a little short.  We’ve been trying to find a replacement belt so Allan can, at least, use the buckle.  He’d love to use the belt but losing 25lb to make it fit isn’t in the cards!   Dilemma!!

We drive by this store in the small town of Grindrod    It’s a leather store!!


So glad we did, we meet the most delightful lady, Sherri is one of a kind!   A cottage business we are glad we found and could support.

When we enter “The Leather Lady”.is dealing with another client which gives us time to look around the unique store.  Was to busy looking to do photos! Darn!!

The other customer leaves, our turn.  Allan tells Sherri the issue, as a joke, he says, “I’d like to lenghten the belt”.  “OK” says Sherri! 

OMG Allan was kidding as we didn’t know it was possible….

Sherri jumps into action…..

                    😁  Done Belt is lengthened.   

      Close up   

Inside of belt, can anyone translate?  All we can make out is “Censored”

Allan is happy!!  Now off to Enderby.

We feel like we took a wrong turn and arrived in Mexico.  This wasn’t what we expected, somehow it was more fun.       

Anyone else remember when spices came like this?  Appears only women may use the facilities     

Our purchases: Uno as our existing deck is rather sticky and 3 DVD for $5.00.  Good watching when internet is not at it’s best.

Home we go.  Waiting for me is a new to me, Caesar, Siracha.   Turns out it isn’t as good as Allan’s.  I’ll stick with his.



May 11 2021

A little of a nothing day. Leola, our park host said if we drive to Sicamous via Cambie Solsqua Road we will definately see bear or deer.  We are all over that even though the direct route to Sicamous is 10m and this route is 17m. Bears & Sicamous here we come.      Bears beware, we’re photo happy!

This shot tells it all, no bears, no cougars, no deers…

Delish dinner 

Chicken breast, un-named well named but we don’t know what it is, with Parmesan, cream cheese and spice sauce.

After dinner fire 🙂

Revelstoke, May 10

The drive to Revelstoke is about 45m.  The temperature when we leave is 16, through the mountains it drops to 11.  There is still snow on the mountains, wonder if it ever completely melts.   

There are lots of very long trains that run parallel to the highway.  We’re happy the tracks do not cross the highway.  Forecast didn’t call for rain! Plus side, it is cleaning the windshield from bugs. 

We arrive to clouds but no rain.Revelstoke might be famous for its downhill snowsports now, but once upon a time it was the place to be for ski jumping. Ski jumping was a craze brought to Revelstoke by the Norwegians who settled here in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

We take a walk around town. 

It’s nice but we both agree we like Sicamous better..  

Next stop, Malakwa Suspension Bridge

There is no signage and this is the road in, “How did you find this place?” asks Allan.  Hummm  “Not sure” 🙁 We are now on the other side of the tracks.I’m thinking google maps is taking a page out of Bailey’s GPS by sending us to no-man’s land.  I’d turn around, Allan isn’t ready to give up yet.Alas, what do our eyes behold!!   We now remember neither of us is keen on walking over a suspension bridge.  How sturdy is it?  When was it last serviced?  Should have researched it prior to getting here.  

                     This is us being brave!  Yes it sways!!                                                              Allan was just as brave, I just followed him on the bridge, he took my photo from the beginning of the bridge. 

Did the research when we got back, we could have trusted the bridge.  Perhaps we will return and cross,  we are curious what the building on the other side is.

The train got us!  We waited for about 5m.  So ends another adventure!

Idea of the day!   




May 09, 2021 Mother’s Day

I start the day learning our photo, taken in Canmore, AB won a contest in a FB group.  It will be the cover photo for a month.  Click for the original post and more photos of lovely Canmore. 

 The view out the side window. 

Today’s adventure will be exploring Sicamous, a 10m drive. 

We park on, where else?  Main Street!  It appears it is a requirement to own a boat when you live here.  This townhouse complex has high garage doors to accommendate these vessels.  We follow, what we believe is a water front trail.  Not many boats here yet. Great scenery but it turns into a dead end. 

  We go back, and walk along the shore    It takes more energy to walk in the sand with our runners.  Next up the nature trail.

Frequent wildlife in this area.  I may be taking this, being scared of bears, thing a little too far but I don’t want to die on Mother’s Day.  Back we go.

After Allan clobbered me in Uno he made us a delicious Tik Tok pasta dish.  Then it’s campfire time.

A few weeks ago, Allan jumped ship from iPhone to a Samsung android.  There is a learning curve but he’s getting stuff figured out.   One of the thing the Samsung does better is “live” photos like the one above.  When I post an iPhone live photo it become still, the Samsung’s dance away.  


May 08 – Travel Day

Destination = Sicamous KOA, which is really in Malakwa.  The same town, where a bear attack took place on the 4th.  Will Allan get his wish and see a 🐻?  I hope not!!

Allan gives Bob a mini bath to get the tree stuff off. 

We duck a Jeep in the park.  Our 35th ducking! 

Nice day for the short drive.   On the road again!!

Sicamous is an adaptation of a Shuswap language word meaning “river circling mountains”.Interest facts:  Sicamous is the Houseboat Capital of Canada, with more than 200 houseboats for rent, Sicamous is a top destination for people who want to adventure while afloat in a houseboat. Sicamous is a resort town about halfway between Calgary and Vancouver and is the eastern gateway to the Apple Country having 341 km (212 mi) of shoreline.

Onward to Malakwa, we’re here!  Our host, Leola was not happy to see us.  Apparently the office is closed 11a – 2p.  We arrived at 1130a, oops

Edit to add:  Leola told Allan about the park’s bear, they named Beary, apparently he was quite the nuisance in the Fall.  Goody!!

Glad we didn’t know.   

Sign at the office entrance 

Bailey waiting patiently as Allan is back there unhooking Bob. 


All set up!  Neither the carpet or flag have been used in a long while.  Site 85 is very long, wide and tree-y             

Allan’s happy place, axing & firing       

We added this to the fire and it worked!



May 07 – Tall Boy Day

Today is an exciting day for Allan.  His favourite beer, Hark Rider, is now being canned as tall boys.  Up until now, you could only get growlers or crowlers.  (A crowler is similar to a growler in that its purpose is to keep your beer as fresh as possible between the time the bartender fills it and when you decide to open it.  The growler is available in 32 & 64 ounce sizes, while crowlers only offer 32 ounces)

Donnie, Freddy’s Pub Manager, gave Allan a can to test.  Great graphics!  Allan deemed it refreshingly delicious!  Now he’s sorry he didn’t buy any.

I came upon this site, CanIBinge  It tells me the show we are currently binging could be watched in a week if…  Funny!

Sad, we finished off the chocolates.                 We need more!!


May 06 – Distillery Day

Love the amount of daylight

We start the day with errands.  One of which is getting Allan’s growlers filled.  Will be the last fill for a bit as we are heading north on Saturday.  I, bought another bottle of Ginger Matcha Tea Infused Vodka just in case it wasn’t available further north.

Stop at Great Canadian Oil Change to get Bob’s tires retorqued.  Have to do that for Bailey’s tire as well, hoping to do that on the way to Sicamous.

It’s now Okanagan Spirits Craft Distillery time. 

We do the tasting, your choice of any 3 items on the menu.  We choose Amber Whisky (we all know how much Allan likes Amber Beer, any guess how he liked this?) John, our host was very informative and entertaining.  Next I try Barrel-Aged Family Reserve Gin.  Just cause I haven’t had gin in… forever..  Barrel Aged  It’s OK but not buy worthy for us.  Allan’s choice is Canados good but not on our buy list. 

My 3rd choice Raspberry, Allan’s Cherry cause he loves cherries.  It’s good but no where as good as the Cherry Liquor Kyle brough back from the Ukraine.  Notice the plates on the car, 1932 Ontario 🙂

We leave with…   

Fun time!  Looking forward to our next distillery.